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About jackedjill

  • Birthday 09/25/1981

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    I be an ass kicker and swimmer. I want to hang out with other pirates real bad.
  1. thank you so much for the information. I'm a novice pirate and have only attended a few pirate-y shows (is adding a "y" like that to pirate a bastardization o' the word?) Looking forward ta that on me iPod soon. Imagine a pirate in one of those silhouette iPod commercials. I could laugh at that for ages.
  2. it's all for me grog me jolly jolly grog it's all gone for beer and tobacco for I spent all me tin on the lassies drinkin gin far across the western ocean I must waaaaaander my god. I've had that song stuck in my head all morning
  3. Although on hiatus, go to the scurvy bastards website. Hailing from the Bay. One o' the rowdiest pirate bands I've ever seen that wasn't overly punk rock (although to that hell yes). Most tunes are based and arranged from old shanties. And the live fake blood was great. As great as a pair as the words live and fake
  4. I'd be a spawn of a whore to say it was a bad movie. I'm just not saying it was worth theater admission. I'm going to say, that one twas a rental. That one is a drinking flick. After a brew or a dozen it's a fine ole time.
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