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About CapnJake

  • Birthday 08/26/1959

Profile Information

  • Location
    Racine, WI
  • Interests
    Historical maritime information, early music, maritime music and sea shanties.
  1. Hello to the Mainiacs! Have you been waiting to hear your shanty pals take on some Christmas tunes? Well, now is your chance! Bounding Main will perform this Saturday, Dec 5, in our favorite lake-side town, Port Washington, Wisconsin, where the whole town will be gussied up for the holidays. We will be wandering about and singing and playing from 3 to 6PM. We will probably have a few shows, but we are not sure of location or time yet. It will not be difficult to spot us; aside from our usual colorful flair, we will be draped in tree deco and Santa hats. Oh yes, we love Christmas. (Not kidding actually!) The afternoon fun is followed by the parade at 6:15. We are told we have placement toward the beginning of the parade (which last year was looong). Here is the schedule of the day from last year, which will give you an idea of this year's events. This bustling Christmas party in downtown Port Washington is family friendly and lots of fun! Hope to see you there! ~Maggie and the crew http://www.boundingmain.com
  2. Looking forward to Bounding Main's appearance at Port Washington's Xmas event this Saturday!

  3. I'm sorry, but did I miss something here? While the claiming of false titles might be a little dippy, and Mr. Blackthorne's defence of said title seems rather underwhelming, how does this translate into his being a blight on this forum? Bilge, it probably stems from his activities at the Port Washington Pirate Fest last weekend. There is another thread where THAT is being discussed.
  4. That is EXCELLENT news! We LOVE both of the St. Louis shows and we want them to thrive! Naturally we really think the Pirate Festival is great - they transform the whole renaissance theme nicely into piratical. Yes, perhaps a change of hands has done them some good - fantastic! Thanks for sharing! I hope we find our way down there again! been attending the st. louis renfaire the past couple of weekends... practically a sell out crowd !! both times, we had to park in an upper lot that i didn't even know existed... reason being-- the vast lower lot was jam packed !! people i talked to said that the crowds were good and the vendors were happy... i did notice a little more advertising for the event ( maybe i just happened to catch it this time around ) and everyone seemed pleased... hopefully the same hard work will have some great results for the pirate fest in september !!!
  5. According to the festival producer and the police report one of the recent but regular particpants on this discussion site, indeed this event's threads, had the audacity to try to lift a flask from one of the vendors on Saturday afternoon. He got caught, the police were on him, and the only reason he didn't go to jail is that the vendor was from California and couldn't return to witness the theft in court. It was reported to me that he was drunk and that he had friends with him from California that were mortified by the events. This fellow was banned from the festival; his friends from California were told they were free to return without him. I am appalled at this person's behavior. It is not simply that someone lifted an item from a vendor; shrinkage is a sad part of vending - it is that it was ONE OF OUR OWN. This wasn't a foolish teen on a spree, it was not someone in need, it was a costumed, self-titled pirate afficianado that regularly participates on this discussion board. This, as someone else pointed out, makes us ALL look bad. The vendor, understandably, started sharing with all of his neighbors "I was just ripped off by one of those pirates!" That rumor thing spreads all around, the police report is published in the paper and then next year it may become THAT MUCH HARDER for the producer to get permits to use the park, may have to pay for security out of the show budget, will have to work that much harder to bring in much needed vendors to a vending area with a "security problem." After I receive confirmation that the name on the police report transfers to his online persona I will make his name available here as a warning to everyone else involved with him as to what kind of a person he has shown himself to be. Unless he wishes to offer his side of the story to everyone first.
  6. Kudos to you for your new healthy form, my friend. Lookin' GREAT!
  7. Politics entirely aside I think it was a great event. My administrative responsibilities spooled down to 10% after Friday night and I could return to being an entertainer all day Saturday and Sunday. I loved all of our sets - everyone is so responsive and supportive. CD sales were good on Saturday and the audiences were good all around. The weather held all night Friday, until 5:00 on Saturday and after a morning shower was gorgeoous on Sunday. MerryDeath, I'm sorry we never crossed paths all weekend. I did not see you at either morning meeting so I couldn't publically thank you for all of your assistance in getting the event in order. I hope you had a positive experience. I met a bunch of really great people, revisited a bunch of great friends that I see too seldom and really did have the best of times. I hope everyone else enjoyed themselves.
  8. We will actually have a professional videographer chronicaling the event for a promotional spot for 2010. I'm quite excited by this fun thing! Dean
  9. On Friday I will be Marketing Agent for the event. On Saturday I put on my kerchief and garb and am Cap'n Jake of Bounding Main and I will proceed to have a rollicking good time with everyone else. Here's to 2009! May it be tornado free! Here's to 2010! My it be organized by January! Love to you all!
  10. Kim McCulloch is the primary vendor contact but Tracy Ripple is assisting her: Kim McCulloch admin@portpiratefestival.com Ph: 262-388-2207 Tracy Ripple firstmate@portpiratefestival.com Ph: 262-388-9762 I know that the area map was being finished last weekend when I was up there during another festival. I also know that Kim's shop, The Portico, sprung another leak from the apartment upstairs, so there may have been a delay. I'm not involved with that part of the operation, so I don't know much - sorry. Dean
  11. http://www.portpiratefestival.com/reenactors.htm If you have a better link than the one on the page please send it to me. Of course the home page is http://www.portpiratefestival.com.
  12. I'm looking forward to seeing you set up on Saturday, Jib.
  13. SEE? There you go, everthing is falling into place. (Ahem.) Dean Calin Western Shores Marketing for Port Washington Festivals, Inc. portmarketing@deancalin.com Cell: 262-366-8591
  14. Thanks for creating this very cool promotional piece. Dean Calin Western Shores Marketing for Port Washington Festivals, Inc. portmarketing@deancalin.com Cell: 262-366-8591
  15. If you are aware of any other pirate groups or other reenactment groups attending Port Washington Pirate Fest please send me their information so I can add them to the list of groups. I want to make sure everyone is properly credited. Thank you, Dean Calin Western Shores Marketing for Port Washington Festivals, Inc. portmarketing@deancalin.com Cell: 262-366-8591
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