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Everything posted by Capt.Trade.Wind

  1. Aye! Today I did not make it in to the office. Migraine. Took something this morning and just woke up. About 7 hours later.
  2. My pleasure. Now I am interested to see myself. What I do know is that is off the NW Coast of Haiti and is covered by the same state department warning for mainland Haiti. I will have more tomorrow. I have several sources that I can't access from my home PC. Have to be on the network.
  3. Mine be in October, but not a cool as being on Halloween... Every year you get a party.
  4. Though we have not been formally introduced, may I say I wish you all the best, and will keep you in my thoughts. Feel better!
  5. Aye, booty indeed.
  6. Ahoy! A fellow Amiga Pirate fan. That was the first game I got for my old Amiga 500, all those many moons ago.
  7. I just reinstalled it yesterday on my PC in the basment, and started playing it again last night. I love the game. This new file, I am just out having fun and seeing how much gold I can mass.
  8. What part of the world be that norther lake? My nothern lake would be Lake Michigan. I am only about a mile off her. It is the only reason that I don't go mad not being near the sea any more.
  9. Ahoy Hester, When I am not in the Government Offices of the Virtual Queen Anne Islands on out sailing on the Buccaneer's Lust, I be in the travel business. I will see what I can find out for you Monday at work. Cheers!
  10. That give me another reason to head to the East Coast next summer.
  11. A most impressive Pirate Hideaway. You have inspired me to get back to planning to turn a quarter of my basment into my own Pirate Pub. I guess the little wench will be giving me a quarter. Keep on creating and inspiring!
  12. Yarr, I be laughing so hard me sides be splitting. Is that correct? Hmm. I might have to go in for a refresher course...
  13. Aye, it may be just a fantasy now, but keep the fantasy alive and who be knowing what can happen. I am working on putting together a sort of Pirate Party myself next summer here in beautiful Racine, WI.
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