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Everything posted by Capt.Trade.Wind

  1. Being that it is only 7:18 in the AM, I am having some toast.
  2. That is pretty impressive... If I only had that much booty in the old chest, I would place a bid myself. Would love to have old Jack hanging out, would mean I would never have to drink alone. :)
  3. Excellent time span. Would cover everything and allow for unique what if situations.
  4. My two cents. The movie could have been better, but I think it would have been better if they had combined 2 & 3 into one film. Very much like The Matrix, 1 was good 2 sucked and three was good. Watch 2 & 3 together and you have a pretty good film all in all. I think POC will be the same way.
  5. My pleasure. I will keep an eye out and update you if I learn anything new.
  6. I am afraid I don't understand. More explaining if you please.
  7. Yeah, that's as close as I could get without tripping the profanity filtre. Cheers, Hester I have too much time on my hands this morning mates... PEA NUSS works without tripping the filter. :)
  8. I love it! Thanks for sharing your photo of Jack.
  9. What a lovely lass she be.... I might have to use that one at work.
  10. Ah, I just retired from the career that I started the other night at the ag of 42, as Governor. Woo Hoo!!!!
  11. Some more information: There are no hotels on the island. If you go you can normally rent a room from someone that lives on the island. I would think sailing with be the best way to get there. At least then you have your ship to crash on. :)
  12. Aye it tis a lovely coast... and Kids on a spit... Hmmm. Can't say that I have ever had them, but I am willing to try.
  13. Welcome to the pub. I will be having a Queen Anne Punch.
  14. Welcome to the pub Ming. I will be having a Queen Anne Punch.
  15. Aye, it tis available if you be looking for it. There is a pub in Milwaukee that served it on tap.
  16. Aye, welcome to the pub matie. I will have a Queen Anne punch, a little something I invented, though I am sure it has been done before... 3 Shots Rum (spiced or otherwise) 1 Shot Lemon Juice 5 shots water Shake with Ice and Serve. It tis a wonderful punch!
  17. I was feeling extremely down about it, then it hit me~ have a party. Mark a milestone in a good way. Otherwise, I think I would have had a very upsetting weekend... I am planning on marking the occation with my first Tattoo. I have one of two things in mind. A gothic Ankh or the Skull & Cross Bones.
  18. Aye. That makes two of us. I have been trying to find more info but keep coming up short. and please call me Trade.
  19. I'll be havin' me a grand 40th birthday costume party. I am hitting the big 40 in 6 days. I am not handling it to well this year for some reason.
  20. Well it does not appear to be a migraine, since the immitrex (sp) did not work and now I can barely hear out of my right ear, and there is some pain there too. I am in the office today, but it looks like only a half day though. Here is what I have been able to find out using my sources: Travel to Haiti, Including Ilea de la Tortue (Tortuga) is considered EXTREMELY RISKY! The island is said to have some wonderful beaches, however getting to the island is very difficult and may not be safe due to the unrest across the country. I can not even locate any hotel information on the island which is not a good sign. According to an article in a 2004 copy of “Travel Agent Magazine” on Haiti, the island are very primitive, by our standards and even compared to the “main land” Haiti. Now that is not to say if they can get the government under control, and then the people that with the right investment capital that it could not become a tourist paradise, but at the moment all my security sources say STEER CLEAR. This is pretty sad.
  21. Arr.. I didn't start it honest.... But I am willing to view said racks.... .
  22. I just could not resist this... And remember what Blackbeard once said... "A measure of Gunpowder helps the rum go down."
  23. I worked for them years ago when the first made their way to Richmond, and it did seem to take a few months to get new 'zine's on the shelf... Notice not calling it a rack. Racks are more fun!
  24. Right this moment I am listening to Running Wild. I heard about them from the Sea Shanty area. Not to shabby for us metal heads. Though I do still prefer Rev. Jimmy B.
  25. That was pretty good. Tonight is left overs from last nights dinner...
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