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About Capt.Trade.Wind

  • Birthday 10/11/1966

Profile Information

  • Location
    Racine, Wisconsin
  • Interests
    Ahoy!<br><br>I have many interests. Included among them are:<br><br>Pirates<br>Role Playing Games<br>Computers<br>Writing<br>Thinking<br>Sailing (when I can)<br>Loving Life!<br><br>
  1. Thanks. It is slowly starting to feel some better. Sorry about the flooding.
  2. Where did you get the pattern. They look great.
  3. One of my fav's The MUGS & JUGS Tavern
  4. In pain me bloody Achilles tendon is killing me.
  5. Ahoy Mates, finally the Captain Wind is back, and sadly was one of the ones that fled the bad weather on Saturday. My girlfriend was driving, and was a little worried about the storms. So we cut out much earlier than I wanted to. However did catch the Bounding Main and Jolly Roger fantastic show by both. Now I wait for Bristol to open. I hope to be more active on the Pub moving forward. Cheers!
  6. Aye, Now I know what dates to plan to go to the faire. Since I missed you in Port Washington, I will definatly have to be there for Bristol. Depending on finances I might pop out to the Talls Ships to hear you as well.
  7. Ahoy Maties, First of all I would like to apologize for not making it out to Port Washington this year. I was really looking forward to meeting some of the people from the pub, but alas, real world events that reared their ugly head kept me from coming, and I have been having a time even getting on the net, thanks to my now ex-wife, but that is another story for my real world person to deal with and not Captain Wind. That being said, I hope they do it again next year, and I will make sure I am there for that one.
  8. The glasses are pretty cool. I have been wondering about that to get exact or as close as a rum skuller can be... So you might say... I be LOOKING into them soon.
  9. Alaska is only a part of the year destination? Would it then do Mexico during the Alaska down time, or would they bring her east for the winter? I will have a look see throught the travel trades and see if I see anything.
  10. Annyoing though it is, I would have to agree. It is interesting to have a look see and then sit back and wait to see if what you have seen is real or not. Someone spent time on it.
  11. I was thrilled.
  12. Now that might just make you the best pirate I ever saw.
  13. Arrrrr, that sucks. Hope they might change their minds.
  14. I will have a look at them and let you know what questions I have, if any.
  15. Maybe you should by 1 or 2 for me. :)
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