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About Skavenger

  • Birthday 11/12/1969

Profile Information

  • Location
    Isle of Sheppey, UK
  • Interests
    pirates, pirates, pirates, pirates
  1. Following the success of last year's 1st Pirates at Chatham, the dates have been set for a return to this growing event. May 24th and 25th 2009 sees the gathering of an unruly mob at Chatham Historic Dockyard (www.chdt.org.uk). Arrival date is Saturday, May 23rd when a little suprise could be waiting! With plenty of fun to be had by reenactors and public alike it's definately a show not to be missed. For more details contact purser@sheppeypirates.org See you in Chatham!!!!!
  2. Ahoy Cpt Adams... thanks for that sounds like just the thing :)
  3. Thanks once again for your help Kass. I'll have to make sure your tankard is topped at at SWPF
  4. I've been receiving emails from The Dread Pirate Crew based in Melbourne, Australia. Does anyone know anything about them, or has anyone else been contacted by them?
  5. Thank you Dreadlocke ... they do have a wearable art forum, so fingers crossed...
  6. Having sifted throught a variety of books and internet sites, I thought I best ask for help.... Where can I find both music and lyrics together for popular songs of the era? I've managed to find a few but my inquisitive mind and ears bored of the same ol same ol need more Hope you can help..... thanks
  7. Please excuse my naivity, but where could I find the best resource for information on making up my own dyes? Vegetable dyes I'm OK with, but would like to broaden my colourful horzons
  8. One I've yet to have the pleasure of seeing...... Tall Paul, how can we get the ol VHS going in the camp????
  9. The soundtrack to Moulin Rouge
  10. Me thinks a modern camera may be needed for this one.... or would the ship's artist's stick drawings make do??
  11. what a cutie..... my two love chasing the thread around the place
  12. OMG.... OK I've just realised I'm not just a little naive.... I'm totally naive!!! Must toughen up te match me shipmates..... All teachings gratefully received
  13. superb..... I've not seen that before... thanks for sharing with a relative newbie
  14. damn and blast.....quick how do I get a US pasport like..now? I know I know.... a pirate shouldn't need to ask, I should just take
  15. Hi there... pull up te the bar and fillme tankard....... now, tell me yer tales... welcome welcome welcome
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