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Everything posted by Spoons

  1. I see Mister Tar standing outside his door, "I need a term for you always standing and sleeping against the door of your own cabin!" Mister Tar quipped, "Gent." I mumbled, "fool." It was back to the galley for me, to supervise Goose who was cooking breakfast.
  2. Goose had commented that he had never seen Captain Ransom in a dress. I almost didn't recogize her myself. When a women dresses like that, she wants something. I was pleased with Goose's progress, and I credit the success of this meal to him. Time to serve Mister Tar and Captain False Ransom; so, it's time for a lesson in presentation for Goose. I pull out a silver tray, and offer Goose instruction on it's preparation.
  3. A skinny man, smelling like lye soap, and wearing badly fitting slops is escorted into the galley by Stones. "Ye must be Goose!" He looks too scared to answer. "Stones, ye can leave us, now." Goose mutters something about having had a bath this month, already. "Aye, a bath and new clothes, a fine introduction. Well, I'm Spoons and Mister Tar informed me that you'll be working in the galley. So, we will start by you learning some cleaning duties." He starts to protest, "Goose, you don't want me to call Stones back in, do you?" He shakes his head. "Good, a clean galley is where we will begin."
  4. Dillard tells me what was said to him by Mister Tar, and what he can remember from the night before. Someone made Dillard their mark last night, lest it happen again, he needed to exercise better judgement. I insisted he had more than a reasonable chance of remaining a crew member, if he heeded Mister Tar's warnings. Lord knows this is the ship of second chances! No sooner had Dillard left the galley, then Jacky came in to refill his mug. I wasn't surprised when asked if we had enough lobster to share. I would fain cook for anyone he asked, then he told me where they were bound. I hemmed and hawed, "We can spare a half dozen," I muttered. Jacky seemed pleased with that answer. I grudgingly, started the large boiling pot for the lobster. I selected one of the small lobsters and five of his smaller kin. Then I threw a couple back and grabbed some larger ones, "They will dine like kings!"
  5. Stones was sippin' the coffee I brought him, when up the gangplank stumbles Mister Dillard. It's obvious he's been drinking, but it appears he's been in a fight as well. He sinks to his knees, and then flops down on the main deck. "Stones give me hand and let's get Mister Dillard to his feet, and to his bunk before anyone else see's him." Stones reminds me he is on duty, and can't leave his post; but he helps me get Dillard to his feet. "Mister Dillard, yer going below." Doesn't look like Mister Dillard won the fight either; his face is badly bruised.
  6. Mister Tar was watching the last of the dock workers load stores, when I approached him, "Mister Tar! It's good to have an old shipmate, like Dillard aboard isn't it sir?" He responded in the affirmative, but his mind was elsewhere; as it had been since the day she had left the Relentless, and returned to her ship. "Sir, Mister Dillard has requested that he be allowed to go a shore, and gather his things. He has a few ladies to say his good-byes, I'll bet." Mister Tar's continence had not changed in all the years I've served with him; I doubt that Mister Dillard will exercise the same restraint. Mayhaps, I thought Mister Dillard could find a lass for the Captain. Then hopefully, we will put an ocean between us and the Rakehell.
  7. Spoons walks up to Dillard, and whispers, "That went easy, follow me." The two men descend into the forecastle, and forward quarters. "You must address the Captain as, Mister Tar. The locals know him as Jacky Tar." Dillard looks confused, but nods that he understands, and as much says so. "This is your bunk, and you store your belongings in this chest. Welcome aboard Mister Dillard!"
  8. As he was coming up, out of the hold he replied, "We have extra barrels of lamp oil, in the fo'c'sle." Spoons, stepped on to the main deck, and saw Dillard at the top of the gangplank, "Well I'll be!"
  9. "Mister Tar, I wasn't implying she would find better. I seen too many men make fools of themselves, over younger women, that's all."
  10. Spoons can see Mister Tar is seething, "I guess she won't be going on the account then, sir?"
  11. Spoons sees Striker's tale is told, and attention will again turn to Jane. "Lady Jane, I think you dropped this up on deck." Spoons drops a small purse with about two weeks pay in it, in to Jane's right hand. "I can wrap up some food for you, if you want to take it with you."
  12. "Simple breakfast fare and a fresh keg of ale. You both look like you could use a good meal to start your day!" He mumbles to himself, "No turtles will be served this morning, perish the thought, those are nasty creatures to shell." Spoons heads back to the galley to prepare places for lady Jane and Captain Striker.
  13. Spoons sees Jane about to leave the ship, "Lady Jane, leavin' with out breakfast? You do not want Mister Tar to find out you left, without so much as a by-your-leave. Please, stay to eat breakfast and make proper good-byes." Spoons rings the bell and calls out to Captain Striker, "I found some kippers, not sure how they compare to Danish herring, but you are welcome to try them."
  14. Spoons makes his morning rounds and finds Mister Tar sleeping in front of his quarters. Spoons takes a cup of fresh brewed coffee and runs it underneath Jacky's nose. Jacky stirs and Spoons smiles, "Keepin' watch all night sir?" Jacky reaches a hand out from under the sea cloak and blanket, and gratefully excepts the hot beverage. Spoons smiles a wry smile and heads back to the galley.
  15. Spoons mutters under his breath, "Seems Captain Striker doesn't need a woman and is in love with his own reflection." Then loudly so all can hear, "Cheese, fruit and meats for you all to nosh on, and Sir if I'm not needed good night."
  16. Spoons walks by Captain Striker, "Full moon again tonight, Captain Striker?" On his way up the gang plank he passes Jacky and tips his hat, "Evenin', Sir." He sees Ransom leaning over the main deck railing, "Ahoy, Mister Tar didn't say we were takin' on any cabin boys. What's yer name lad?"
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