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Scully Crossbones

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About Scully Crossbones

  • Birthday 04/13/1954

Profile Information

  • Location
    Back and forth between Hopkinsville, KY and Orlando, FL
  • Interests
    *I'm a partner in a costume store in downtown Hopkinsville, KY, and also employed part-time at Universal Studios - Orlando. *I'm a charter member of the Pirates of the Caribbean Interactive Project (mentioned in ESQUIRE Magazine May 2004) in our 4th year! (www.potcinteractive.com)<br>*I'm also a Titanic historian and perform annually at the Titanic museum in Orlando every anniversary of the sinking.<br>*Errol Flynn was my first introduction to Pyrates.<br>*I'm into the Beatles and classic rock. <br>*Writer, actor and musician are other hats I wear besides my tricorn hat at Ren Faires. <br>*I sell Avon! Inspired by Diane Wiest's character in Edward Scissorhands, I guess. But I enjoy it.<br>*I love gardening veggies and flowers. I'm a great vegetarian cook (you'll never miss the meat - none of my carnivore guests ever do!) <br>*I love to give and receive massages. <br>*I love old movies, silents, black and whites, and really good newer ones, especially if Johnny Depp is in them! <br>*I make a fabulous Korma Curry.<br>*I've been fascinated by ships since I was a wee child. My dad used to take us to see Naval vessels during Fleet Weeks at Port Everglades and we used to park across from the Queen Elizabeth on the weekends, although my dad was too cheap to buy us tickets for a tour.<br>*I own thousands of books, but only hundreds of <br>movies and CDs.<br>*Most of my books are non-fiction, I have 90 books just about the Titanic, a shelf full of Sci-Fi classics, lots of wonderful classic children's books, historical fashions and architecture, pyrates (of course!), romance, cookbooks, Beatles, trade books for music, writing and acting, three shelves of theology books, Beat poetry and other important classic fiction and non-fiction.<br>*Shantaram and To Kill a Mockingbird are my top two favorite books.<br>*I think Meat Loaf's "For Crying Out Loud" is the most romantic song ever written and Jim Steinman is a bloody genius!<br>*Paul McCartney and Barry Gibb were my pin-up poster boys when I was a teenager. Since replaced by Johnny Depp. But Humphrey Bogart. Errol Flynn, Robert Mitchum and Gregory Peck are also in my heart.<br>*DeForest Kelley was like a father to me.<br>*I strive to be a cross between Audrey Hepburn and Sophia Loren.<br>*I play guitar and a little keyboard and manage a musician on the side. <br>*I own a gorgeous Edwardian house in KY, but I'd be happier living in a Winnebago. <br>*I'm fascinated by Jack the Ripper, Elizabeth Borden and the Black Dahlia.<br>*I plan to cruise to Europe in a year to see as much of the continent as I can until the ship returns. <br>*Laughter is one of my favorite things. <br>*I'd much rather dress up in a costume than a cocktail dress. (Although I'm in jeans most of the time!)<br>*I hate secrets, but I can keep them.<br>*Casablanca is the most romantic movie ever!<br>*I love to host dinner parties and cook for people who love to eat.<br>*I can adapt to most any situation. <br>*Dark Chocolate over Milk Chocolate; Hot Cocoa over Coffee; Universal Studios over Walt Disney World (although I'd choose EPCOT over Magic Kingdom - if only the POTC ride was at EPCOT!!!); and Italian or Mexican food over Chinese (although I make a fantastic stir-fry!) And Tea over Soft Drinks, although I like Cream Soda over Colas; Halloween over Christmas; sailing over flying.<br>*I love the ocean and the mountains, which is why I love Oregon. <br>*I love extreme weather! I've stood outside in hurricanes and stand camera ready during tornado warnings. I do have a healthy respect for lightning, though and stay indoors. I think I was a storm chaser in a previous life. LOL<br>*I rarely lose my temper. Fortunately. (You don't ever want to see me lose my temper!)<br>*My reading material as a child included MAD Magazine and Captain Marvel Comics because our neighbor was C.C.Beck who created Captain Marvel.<br>*Dark Shadows, Silent films and Star Trek reruns were what we watched after school.<br>*I don't look a day over 37.<br>*I've lived all over the US and Oregon is my favorite state.<br>*I feel blessed that I used to be able to eat my lunch every day at the pier where the HMS Bounty was docked. (This was at BaySide in Downtown Miami.)<br>*I've been on the bridges of both the USS Enterprise and the Star Ship Enterprise. <br>*Gene Roddenberry and Ike Asimov were the men who talked me into becoming a writer - and mentored me in the 70's.<br>*I'm a country girl stuck in the city.<br>*I was born in the Chinese year of the Horse - maybe that's why I'm such a free-spirit? Gypsy? Pyrate?<br>*I have worked for both political parties at some point in my life. <br>*You might as well know I have a potty mouth. I've embarrassed guys related to the Mafia with my language.<br>*I used to know a guy on death row who was executed in the electric chair. He was innocent, but I wasn't able to prove it until a decade after he died.<br>*I consider myself a spiritual person but distrust organized religion because of the limitations they put on individual faith and experience. <br>*I am curious about everything and passionate about history and culture and nature. <br>*I'm a strong woman with a strong personality and the ability to thrive in the aftermath of adversity.<br>*I think life is too short for bull___.<br>*I believe in doing what you love and knowing the money will find you. You only go around once, why waste it doing something that doesn't make you happy?
  1. Hello, I am new here. To introduce myself, I'm posting these two photos of me and some friends as we prepare for the Jason Surrell book signing in Orlando. Not my best photos but they'll do. I'm the one in the center. Below is me by my onesies. I'll have to find the better photos. Kyrila aka Scully Crossbones
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