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About queenortart

  • Birthday 09/01/1965

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    Freeform Gaming and writing, RPG and writing. I am playing in an on line Monkey Island RPG with my character Amelia Prudence Threepwood - who is not in anway prudent, and about to introduce Jameson Brading Captain of the British Navy and all round bad guy (in a nice kind of way!) <br><br><br>
  1. Greetings to one and all, I am QueenorTart, and pretty new to this Piracy lark. My hero when I was a little girl was Captain Nancy, but then I grew up. Now I've rediscovered my pirate desires through gaming (Freeforming and RPG) I'm playing in a Monkey Island RGP as Amelia Prudence Threepwood, and reading as much as I can, in preparation to game writing. How was I so sensible for all those years? Wasted I think now.... It's time to get back to the important things in life. Drinking Grog, and Squashing Buckles, and wearing pointy shoes and corsets. I look forward to shivering my timbers with you all... Q.
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