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  1. Wal-Mart also has a Spider-Man 3 commercial. Pretty slick lookin' movie...
  2. Oh, thank you!! It was excellent meeting you! My husband and I both admired and were intrigued by your vast historical knowledge. You definitely were a deciding factor in "Was it worth the trip?"! You wife was also delightful!
  3. Aye, I do believe this will be a blast. See ya there!
  4. Monopediomaniac~ Someone with a sexual attraction for a one-legged person. Ought to make any peg-legged pirate feel wanted!
  5. Thankfully, that's history....
  6. Italy..how beautiful. Carnevale must have been a blast!!
  7. That's cluckin' funny!!
  8. We have a winner! Yes, these are jewelry pieces that have not been cut away from their sprues, the term for the "stem" that connects the items to the mold. So, do you have a picture we can guess at?
  9. O.K., what is this~
  10. I didn't see a file name. Just knew what it was....
  11. Swandive "Nutopian Days"
  12. Well said. I liked it, and they were just sharing their project with like-minded others. Good for them. Courage to show your talent is commendable.
  13. The upper section of a butterfly ~ head, thorax, legs, top of abdomen. Hmm.. I don't see the proboscis...guess he's not hungry.
  14. I wonder if this is anyone here....
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