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Sofia Alexandra

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About Sofia Alexandra

  • Birthday 01/03/1986

Profile Information

  • Location
    Gazing towards the horizon
  • Interests
    Stuff. Artsy stuff, crafty stuff, environmental stuff, sea stuff, animal stuff, sporty stuff, travelling stuff...
  1. For many months after not getting into the schools I applied for I've been searching for something to do, and I decided the ideal thing would be some kind of volunteer job that would allow me to learn scuba diving and boating, in some warm country where people speak English, while preferably doing some kind of environmental care work, and if possible not having to pay a fortune for it. Sounds nice doesn't it? The problem was that I didn't know where to look for such a thing, and the ones I found that somewhat matched my ideal criteria were all in loverly places like the Caribbean, which sadly does cost a fortune to go to. However, the new year brought new hope. I'm not sure how, but somehow while idly roaming the web I stumbled upon FNEC; Fiskardo's Nautical & Environmental Club, which is a perfect match apart from the fact that it isn't in a country where English is the first language, but that I can definitely live with. :) And ye know what's even better? FNEC is connected to EVS, the European Voluntary Service, which, if I get to go and all that, means it wouldn't cost me a cent! (If I've understood things correctly, that is. But I'm quite sure I have.) So yeah, I'm definitely applying for this, and what I'm wondering is if anyone of you people has ever visited Fiskardo and can tell me what it's like? It does seem like a very nice little place, but any personal experience is welcome.
  2. 'Tis some fine works you have here, I must say. I'm thinkin' a flag o' mine would have a cat of some sort on it, as cats are the animals I feel the closest to (I sleep a lot, eat when I'm hungry, occassionally flip out for no reason and prefer to operate alone, just like me darling cat Ragnhild :)).
  3. TLAPD is not yet a widely recognised event here in Sweden (AFAIK), so when I go into central Stockholm in what piratic garb I can find in me locker I'm hoping to turn a few heads. I'm definitely popping into the Sci-Fi & Fantasy Bookshop, they're bound to have something going on there.
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