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Everything posted by Wednesday

  1. OT and not to ruin the sequence...but.....
  2. Dragon Train
  3. I had Iron Bess do it for me.
  4. not to be confused with coup de gras With a way, hey, blow the man down all the way down it would seem...Mulo' ?
  5. pate' de foie gras (that be "paste of grass" for ye non-frenchies)
  6. I don't think that's fair to say "No man" I know quite a few men who would cry thinking that might be true!
  7. Skull and crossed
  8. divorce vs eternity....hmmmm cheap at half the price
  9. West Side pirates.... Snotty Jenny Dior Smug Betsey BeBe Fierce Fendi Flint Bloody Bob Burberry Vicious Victor Versace Mad Van von Dutch
  10. You called it, you got it. Presenting the Ensign of the Dread Pirate Wednesday! Well, okay, a first draft of said Ensign, anyway. Feel free to alter to suit your own style as you see fit. Personally I think both the skull and cannon need a little help, but it works for a first impression on the layout, at least.
  11. I got Iron Jenny something.... I don't do ironing.
  12. Something no man likes in a woman..wistful introspection.....
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