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About Smylingsnake

  • Birthday 11/13/1981

Profile Information

  • Location
    Present: Nakatsu, Japan. Former and Future: Bendigo, Australia
  • Interests
    Fencing, playing Dice, Poker and Go, Rum, practical politics and, of course, matters piratical.
  1. 70%, meself. given i'm plannin' on celebratin' Talk Like a Pirate Day in japan at an english school, methinks it's apt.
  2. The Sandstorm. quite fittin' fer a son 'o the desert like meself. she looks innocent(ish), but what she's carryin'll flay the flesh from yer bones. She's fast as the wind as well.
  3. How 'bout "I can see yer ship from here" ? too long?
  4. Bein' as i'm workin' as an english teacher in Japan at the moment, i'll have te keep me pirate talkin' under control, at least in the classroom. outside o' classes, though... heh heh heh. i fancy i'll be wearin' me hat and bandanna wi' me suit too, just te get into the right mood and all. it's hard, bein' a pirate in the teachin' world, though i suppose pirate talkin' might not be much of a suprise fer me students, bein' as i'm an Aussie, and as such talk pretty piratey in general. Aye, i be lookin foward te it wi' bated breath!
  5. Well, me own background's a wee bit on the dull side. born in the colony of South Australia, son of a vintner Da and a teacher mam, i soon picked up the odd useful skill, them bein' a knowledge of the difference between prime grog and rotgut, the skills o' leadership and a knack fer spottin' the opportune moment afore it passed me by. me Mam and Da moved about a bit, which i suppose it where i got me wanderlust from. heh, 'tis a wee bit funny. Terra Australia bein' the size it is, it weren't until me fifteenth birthday i even saw the sea, but when i did, i swift made up fer lost time. signed aboard the Bunyip, a blue water trader out o' Melbourne town. it would seem that the Bunyip's captain was a man with a relaxed view on the nature o' posessions, so it wern't long till i found meself on the wrong end of a bayonet. thankfully, the bloody redback'd forgot the first rule o' survival: when yer pointing a musket at a lad, make sure he ain't got any mates around. anyway, one swift fracas later, i had me a nice new(ish) pair o' boots, a cutlass and a slightly used musket. 'twas at that point i thought to meself that it might be an idea te get meself trained up enough te keep me tripes on the inside, where they're intended. i found an old scotsman what felt up to the task and a while later i found meself knowin' the way around a blade or battle quite well. the years went by, as the've a way o' doin', and at last i found meself in possession of enough gold te get meself a ship o' me own. i took meself to the docks and spied meself a ship te me likin', bartered a day and a night and finally dropped me coin down. Alas, was the one time me sense o' the truthfulness o' me fellow man's let me down. turns out the damn keel was riddled wi' shipworm. thankfully, it lasted me long enough te get me to a pirate-safe port, but it's taken me a bloody year te get the gold together te get meself inside a hull once more. soon though, and then meself and me new lady, the Sandstorm , plan te pay a wee visit te the son of a rat that sold me that worm-filled barnacle-reef and present 'im with a bit o', heh heh, "Customer Feedback". well, a mate's gotta have a goal for the future, don't he?
  6. My best outfit's a wee bit minimal, bein' as i've not had much in the way of funds, but i have managed to come across a few items that work pretty well together. the outfit consists of a black McKay Tricorn over a plain green bandanna, black button shirt with the sleeves rolled, jeans (alas, i've not yet found a good pair o' pirate strides) and black boots. the 'Street Pirate' look, if you will.
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