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About kerrystagmer

  • Birthday 05/13/1964

Profile Information

  • Location
    Marriottsville Maryland USA
  • Interests
    Sword maker and custom jeweler<br><br>www.fireandbrimstone.com !
  1. John, those watches are made locally to us. Ive seen them in the shop that does the leather pouches... I am rather astounded at the price....
  2. um..... guys.... Those are all 3d renderings on a computer...... I didnt see even one item that was actual made in metal on the site, did I miss a section? in the tech industry thats called vaporware.... Not saying they can't MAKE them, just saying those pretty pics your looking at arent real objects you can touch. I have no idea if these guys are for real or not, but I'd want to see product , not pretty computer generated pictures.... Am I wrong? I might be, just maybe....
  3. hum I made molds for the action on a gun like this for a maker in PA. I cant remember his name but I do still have waxes. I was planning to dress up the waxes before casting with skulls and bones I could later set rubies into once cast in metal. Does this ring a bell for anyone? I'd love to touch base with the maker again
  4. are you sure you even looked at the magazine at all? I just glance in the copy I have and only see 2 pages of the entire magazine that deal with related issues to POTC . Page 28 uses the Davy Jones pic from the movie, page 29 has a couple of references to how disney portrated Jones before going of in a completely different direction. There is not a single other picture in the entire magazine or even obvious reference to the movie at all. Thats ONE picture in 88 pages plus 4 cover sides. I'm sure that Tiger Lee and Mr. Cousteau are glad to know you think they are a waste of ink. Since you didnt actually know anything about the content of the magazine, did you really even see a copy? If you were familiar with www.hotpiratebabes.com you would most likely have known that the cover related to the content. At least when I posted I admited I had not seen it....
  5. havent seen the mag yet, but I did get a copy of the cover. Its in printing , I assume the subscribers will see it in a week or so....
  6. Issue 2 came off the press over a week ago and should start to appear in mailboxes and stores worldwide in the next couple of days. I have only handled a copy for a couple min. while vacationing in FL. I dropped into the Clearwater Pirate Festival and checked out an advance copy at the Magazines booth. Don Maitz was there signing autographs along with my brother who brought along samples of our new cutlass for next year. Nicely expanded
  7. just for the record.... MRL is OWNED by Windlass Steel of India. This should speak for itself. enough on that..... While I basicly feel that the steel used by Armour Class is a little too high in carbon content for extreme abuse, I do not know of anyone who is unhappy with AC's product. From what I have seen here in the states, I would have to say they are very well constructed and nicely finished. Most of the people I know who own their product do beat it about and are quite happy. There is no reason for stage blades to be poorly made, the only real issue on shape is whether you can live with a point or not. Personally I make everything with a point so the profile is correct. I hate seeing a rounded "point" but some groups banging steel around require it for safety, certainly understandable.
  8. This is simply not true. Fatigue and work hardening are directly affected by alloy and carbon content of the blade. The ring is simply caused by proper fit and in a lesser way by internal stress of the material. I make hundreds of cutlass each year and every one rings like a bell. Almost every sword we make sees steel on steel abuse. The ability of the blade to handle regular abuse over a long period of time is completely the responsibility of the smith to chose correct alloys and hardening/tempering based on the expected use.
  9. . I'm sure he would like to Jib, but i really doubt it. A new magazine publisher as almost no chance of getting his first issue in distribution and usually has to wait to show his finished mag to the distributors before they will consider the second. If the content is good and the distributors feel there is a market spot for him I assume he will get placement on his winter issue. It really has little to do with the publisher or magazine, its just the way the market works. Kinda sucky for advertisers, but its up to them to do some home work sometimes. Typically startups offer significant price reductions to get advertisers on board for the first copy. Pirates Magazine didnt have this problem as they had a track record with Faerie Magazine already and actually Pirates ( most likely because of the movie) out sold Faerie by more then double from day one. I really havent been around the publishers much lately as we are crushed with work (mostly cutlass and sabers!) but I do try to keep up with them when I can. I'm only getting computer time late night for the next 4 or 5 weeks. I was at MDRF off and on, but didnt see Black Fox to talk to him. I did talk to Brad of Pirates Royal, I was lucky to catch him between songs! .
  10. I do quite a bit of work for Age Of Chivalry , who sells up and down the west coast for me. Brady gets 2 thumbs up from me...
  11. Cannons LTD used to be right here in town a few years back. They were certainly making quite a few guns and I've never heard a complaint. I also knew the guys at the machine shop where they were bored out, they had nothing negative to say so I imagine they are ok to deal with.
  12. I've already seen the cover and a bit of the content for nest issue. I'll not be a spoiler, but if you liked issue #1 you will be pleased! I think the JS cover on issue one was kind of expected, but the disney supplied pic from the movie was kinda fuzzy for me. Issue 2 works that out and ties in nicely to articles in the mag. I imagine , like their other publication the second issue will be much easier to find as the distributors tend to greatly increase purchasing based on previous sales. Some dealers are already charging premiums for issue one as a collectable! Seems silly but maybe an acid free bag is in order for those who have copies. I know the publisher has some stock but less I think then they expected to keep in reserve.
  13. Steve (Black Fox) has posted that it is in printing right now so I assume after this weekend? he said it might be shipping by the 30th....
  14. i'm sure if they did it will be no issue to get it honored.
  15. I love ' Twisted rubber handle' in the description... It seems VERY expensive for what it is.. Just my snobby opinion!
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