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  1. Do we trust each other? quoth you. Always an interesting question says I. We shall see. Aye we shall. Felice navidad me brave buckoes. Compliments o' t' season and adieu for now from Ragin' Robbie still the terror of Terra Australis.
  2. Fairly said Jacky. Ye may have overheard me talking to others hereabout about Stage Directions. Come enjoy a gargle o' this fine whisky wi' the bountiful Silkie and me, ere I return to ranting and roaring and gettin' up the noses o' folks by proclaiming meself as Ragin' Robbie the terror of Terra Australis.
  3. Name o' the wee man! Play another tune on that violin or cease thy fiddling. Gender matters for naught in this pub in this port on the net. Tis all words Jack. When not on the cyber sea I am mannered and gentle. Here, in this fantasy land, I am quite happy to be an equal opportunity bastard. A person (women, man, whatever) deals me a disservice and I respond. I am after all a friggin' Pyrate. On the cyber sea I kill people and take their possesions for a living. 'Tis indeed true that fantasy and real piracy do intersect when my fellow like minded buccaneers and I make free with the MPs that be Three and the wares of master William Gates. Don Inigo removed my head with a degree of style, grace and humour. That I do appreciate. In the post above I was just thinking to myself. No action did I take. Thank you for asking about my social life. I am content. We will not tally your hot repasts against the pleasant companionships I share ere now. Back to the point. If you, or any others, do not want to play with me then do not play with me. But, include Ragin' Robbie references in thy posts at thy peril. Or perchance play elsewhere in this village when learned and enthusiastic correspondents swap lore and wisdom. The ongoing issue of the reoccurring passage of my head from shoulders to the floor and back just goes to show how the pen is mightier than the sword to Ragin' Robbie the terror of Terra Australis.
  4. “Oh dear, oh dear and ah me”, Ragin’ Robbie thinks to himself. “Such a pity in a witty stream that some of these posturers have not the brain power to contribute to the jest.” “I will restrain myself but it would be so easy to lapse into a Stage Direction routine such as: Ragin’ Robbie suddenly tenses his beautifully muscled body and smashes the stupid bint a massive blow to the face. Even as she struggles with consciousness, while her ruined face drips snot, blood and teeth, he drags her by her lank, greasy hair to the privy and drops her in.” “And then I could have Montoya give her mouth to mouth resuscitation to bring her back to life; medicine being apparently another of his many skills.” “Nay”, thinks Robbie, “I will not lower mys’ell to that level.” “Then again”, he ponders, “I could use sarcasm and discuss her unfortunate aspect, make merry about her deplorable personal hygiene and speculate on her absence of character among this strangely noble yet bent throng.” “Pearls before swine and a waste of words”, he decides. “That slatternly shiela is definitely more than a few ants short of a picnic”. “Best keep quiet”, he thinks. “I will simply say naught and continue to enjoy this clever tale being unraveled by Don Inigo and his cohort of crack-up characters”. “Sometimes discretion is the best policy, even for Ragin’ Robbie the terror of Terra Australis.”
  5. Gracias for reattaching me noggin' Don Inigo. Lucky it was that a box of Acme Patent Pate Product was close at hand. GBH to Ragin' Robbie is becoming part of the floorshow here me thinks. Now please continue with thy desparate endeavours. Me, the Snake and the Charming Bass Lass has some serious drinking to do and will trouble thee no more. Ye will hear nay slurs from me, terms like spic, wog and greazer will never be uttered by these lips. Muticultural and thoroughly PC be I. Accept this gracious bow as a token of respect, a gesture not given to many by Ragin Robbie the terror of Terra Australis.
  6. Hola Hispanic heroes all! This gets better all the time, pretty soon there will be more dagoes than desparados in this drinking den. Onwards my bucko bravos, 'tis better than any show presented by the marketplace mummers. Wit is always highly regarded by Ragin Robbie, the terror of Terra Australis.
  7. My next boat project will be a South Haven Dory. http://cruisenews.net/construction.html There are other sites where builders have tracked the contruction of their own Dory projects. I want something light and slippery for rowing in the local lake. I have a Pacer sailing dinghy (with rowlocks) that lives at the yacht club down the beach, but that is 90 minutes away. The stitch and glue Dory has a real wooden boat look without all the hassle. Please do post your pics as your project progresses.
  8. My next boat project will be a South Haven Dory. http://cruisenews.net/construction.html There are other sites where builders have tracked the contruction of their own Dory projects. I want something light and slippery for rowing in the local lake. I have a Pacer sailing dinghy (with rowlocks) that lives at the yacht club down the beach, but that is 90 minutes away. The stitch and glue Dory has a real wooden boat look without all the hassle. Please do post your pics as your project progresses.
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