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Liam Finn

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About Liam Finn

  • Birthday 11/05/1976

Profile Information

  • Location
    On any ship that'll take us, and when not, on any land that'll take us.
  • Interests
    Ireland Forever!<br>Get out all you Britts!
  1. Me bruddah an' I was havin' such a time celebratin' the generosity o Mister Neede that I almost didn't hear Sully callin' to us. He caught my eye and I turned to him, clappin' a paw on his shoulder an' almost toppled the lad. "Aye Sully! Wot ye be wantin'?" He cupped a hand to his mouth. "Thomas wants one of ye in his office!" I turned to Ian who was busy watchin' some o' the crowd, so I smacked him in that arm to get his attention. "Thomas wants ta see me in 'is office! Keep a sharp eye bruddah o' mine!" Ian smiled and laughed, nodding his head and turned back to the crowd. I stood an' followed Sully through the crowd and toward Thomas' office.
  2. Me bruddah an' I now had a bottle o rum each to our own and al I could do was laugh at the generosity of Mr. Neede. "Ian! if Mister Neede c'n afford ta let us drink all we can on his coin, we didn't ask enough fer our services! Ha Ha!" Ian nearly spit his rum on the floor, but managed ta swallow it down and laughs wit me, punchin' me shoulder. "Wonder wot his next business fer us might be? Some food wit this generous drink would be the thing an' once those that pass out, do so, we'll have his ear an' find wot's wot, Aye bruddah?" Ian nodded an' we went off ta sit and get some food brought to our table. Most everyone was revelin' heartily, wit a couple folks seeming ta be such stiffs as ta not even raise a glass ta Thomas. Poor bastards need ta let loose or all that stiffness could send 'em to an early grave.
  3. Ian an' I sat near th' fire and dried off some when Sully came around an' got us a bottle o' whiskey and pints. Upon askin' where Thomas was, he spoke in a low tone as ta not be overheard that he'd stepped out a moment, should be back shortly. Brightening up some he inquired where we'd been. Ian an I grinned wolfishly at each other and I told Sully we'd taken care o' some business fer Mister Neede, and was back if he had more. We knew there was plenty o' evil men around an' we'd be happy ta give 'em a heave toward their maker.
  4. It had taken Liam and Ian a bit of time to find those men they had been hired to find, and kill. They had studied the men and their habits and after seeing their temperament and evil nature, when they died at the hands of the twins, both men enjoyed snuffing the evil light from their eyes. And to the delight of the brothers, the men had plenty of money on them and some fine swag to sell for more money. The boys lived like kings for a months time before the gold ran low, so it was time to return to their benefactor to see if they were needed yet again. The only offer from elsewhere was from one of the brothels the frequented, one that could be quite lucrative in many ways.
  5. Who ye callin' an 'ooligan!? Right you are, right you are. I sez we're back...... Pass a pint r' three an same wit a fine lass r' three from th' brothel......
  6. Oy! Wots all dis? Anudder pub ta drink dry fer me brudder n I? The Lord be smilin' upon us, rightly so!
  7. Arrrr! Me Bruddah's right, keep it flowin' an' line 'em up! We'll jus' party through th' weeks end, AYE!!!!! Slainte, one an' all!!! Guinness fer all o ye!!!
  8. WAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! Oh lass! Tha's rich! We ain't inta tha, but ta each there own. Cheers Lass!
  9. Both Liam and Ian laughed and a second later a look passed between them. As one they turned to the man across the desk. Liam leaned forward. "So, where d'we find these walkin' corpses, aye?" He let the question hang in the air and drew his knife, thumbed the blade for sharpness and slowly smiled.
  10. Bride m'bruddah n' I wi beer? Not good enough!!! Stout meebe.......
  11. Liam and Ian spent the night and day bein' idle in the pub, waiting fer wot Mister Neede had a wont for 'em to do. It were a fine thing, ta be idle here, take up in a room of their likin' until there services were needed. Drink wot were ta be had, eat the same. The brothers did help cleanin' up th' place, not leavin' it all ta Sully. It wasn't wot they wanted ta be doin' but they figured ta earn their keep, for the moment. "Thought he'd ha' somat fer us t'do by now, bruddah. I's getin' bored wit this place. Ain't good fer th' body." Liam elbowed Ian and gave an evil smile. Ian snickered and nodded his head.
  12. Holy fekkin shite it's dead around 'ere! I fink me n' me bruddah might hafta do summin' ta relieve th' boredom. Wot ye fink, Ian?
  13. Liam looked at Ian and grabbed the pocket of his coat. It was very light, only two coins were within and only one was of gold. "Werk fer ye? Depends on what ye mean by tha'. . ." He nodded his head to the side. "We could go inside an' talk o' such tings. Set down fer our drink." Thomas looked at the two men and held out a hand to usher them inside. He let the brothers go in first and followed them to where they sat. Both Liam and Ian opened the bottled given them and took a long pull on them. Liam wiped his mouth on is sleeve. "So, Master Neede, wot is it that yer proposin'?" Ian looked at his brother and then at The new owner of the tavern they now sat in.
  14. “He's mad that trusts in the tameness of a wolf, a horse's health, a boy's love, or a whore's oath.” William Shakespeare
  15. Both of the brothers barely jumped when the man called out before turning and looking at him. Liam smirked. “Wot’s it to ya? We ain’t got a place ta stay, an this ol broken down, abandoned place. . . who’ll mind?” Both Ian and Liam now stood facing the man with the pistol. Liam kept talking and slowly moved towards him. “We ain’t no trouble, jest down on r luck for th time bein. . . just need a place ta whole up in fer a day, can ye understand that?” The man squinted at them and tool a step back. “I can understand that, but understand this, yer breakin in to MY place. . . I OWN this, broke down pub.” Liam put a shocked look on his face. “You own this ere place? Ye jus buy it then? How was we ta know? Eh, mate?”
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