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Ian Finn

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Everything posted by Ian Finn

  1. We gots sumthin' in store fer 'im.
  2. The creaking from the bed next door only brings a smile to my face as I can hear my brother in his throes. I pound on the wall only to hear the noises get louder. The young woman before has gotten down on her knees and removed her bodice. The other has taken to remove my breeches while sliding her hand underneath. Within minutes we can hear our neighbors no more, but have begun our own.
  3. "Aye bruddah, hef nekkid wimmen c'n pass th' time nicely." Liam opens the door and we swiftly have several young maidens around our arms. One nibbles on the back of my ear and another reaches into my pocket. One of the ladies pulls me into a room when we reach the top of the stairs and I can just catch sight of Liam being pulled into one also.
  4. Aye. Who else be there?
  5. Before Liam could collect his thought, a thud was heard at the door with the person behind it frantically trying the handle. Suddenly a shot comes through the door. Diving behind the table, I reach for the pistol that was sitting on the bed. Liam jumps over the bed and grabs the sack of silver. He tosses me his pistol as well. I back to the wall as a foot is rammed into the door splintering the lock. The door swings wildly open with a man raging through the door. The man levels his pistol at Liam. "Bad luck 'ere t'day fer ya," I say to the man. "Wha..." the man spins to face me as my first shot finds it's mark tearing apart part of his skull and replacing it on the back wall. The man collapses in a heap on the floor. Liam grabs his pistol and places it in his belt. Sliding open the window Liam climbs onto the sloping roof. Peering into the hallway I see a door close slightly as if someone had been watching. I stuff the pistols into my belt and drag the man from in front of the door. Closing the door, I replace the body behind it, latching the door with the human lifeless lump now oozing all over the floor. With Liam already on the roof he slides to the edge and hangs over. I climb through the window and reach the edge and toss the sack over to him waiting beneath. "'urry now Ian." With a thud, I hit the ground and withdraw the single pistol, still loaded from my belt. Liam begins to run down the alley behind the Inn with me quick on his tail.
  6. "Tell ya wha' Liam, I go t' follow 'im. See 'f 'e does go d'wnstairs. Gather th' finery should we need t' 'scape." "Aye" Liam returns. I slide the sharpened blade out of my belt and slowly open the door. The man just disappears around the corner and makes his ways downstairs. Walking down the flight of stairs briskly I stop suddenly when I see the same man we overheard previously by the mansion. With two pistols lying in the open, and his jacket open to reveal six more, I head back upstairs to Liam. I open the door quickly to which I am met face to face with a pistol. "Careful now bruddah." Liam smiles and continues packing the canvas sack. "Th' man we saw b'fore 'tis downstairs now Liam." He wrinkles an eyebrow and puts his hand to his chin.
  7. No worries mate.
  8. Once back outside we sat in the same den of trees as before. Looking quickly thorugh our sack we found that the noise of rummaging through it's contenets would quickly draw attention to our place of hiding. "T' th' inn bruddah?" "Aye." Creeping through shadows and down darkened alleyways we found our way to the inn. Hoisting Liam up onto the overhang, he and I climb into our open window. Liam lights a candle in the room as I dump the contents onto the bed.
  9. As we sat under the fruit trees in a quiet corner of the property, we could hear two men above and behind us speaking in low tones. "I am unable to tell ye where the Captain is currently under the watchful eye of our surgeon. Unfortunately the same family that has suffered the grave loss of Mistress Shea is also the same providing shelter for the Captain. Some how Killingsworth has linked the two together and yer new threat may do the same as well, thus neither the Captain, Mistress McKinney or this family may be safe. " "KILLINGSWORTH?!?!?" we both whisper loudly to each other. Peering through the trees, we barely raise our heads above the wall. Two men dressed in Captain's finery continue to speak although more hushed than before. Both men were about 2 metres tall. One with dark hair and a full beard, the other has short dark hair but wearing a brace of 8 pistols. Putting his hands on his hips, the man with pistols seems like he has more to say, but does not. Sliding back into the trees Liam and I stare at each other for several moments.
  10. The gentleman rolled up in the sheet was now beginning to smell. The blood had seeped through the sheet and was obviously to reveal it's contents. "'e's bein' a rite pain in the arse 'e 's," said Liam as he quickly pinched his nose. "Aye. Give 's a peek out th' door t' see 'f it's settled outside." Liam cracked the door slightly and peered outside. Several soldiers could be seen walking about peering into windows and checking random doors, but not in haste. "Still about Ian," he says closing the door quietly. "Wot's 'n those crates under yer arse?" I stand to open one of the crates to reveal several uniforms matching those on the men outside. The next crate is full of heavy canvas tarps and woolen jackets. The next few reveal various bits of military clothing and a few weapons as well as powder, shot and heavy canvas. Liam and I look at each and decide that we have found a storehouse for the soldiers here in town. "Bloody 'ell," he says, "guess they won't look fer 's 'n 'ere eh?"
  11. "SHITE! Ian, duck down th' alley Find 's a door thas open." Throwing the body over my shoulder, I try to keep up with Liam. He ducks down a narrow street between two buildings Several townspeople now start to come into the streets. The blonde woman behind us tries to reach us but her distance keeps becoming greater as several soldiers rush to her to try to get her story. "STOP THEM!!" she cries again and again. Liam finds a door in the alley that is open and we rush in. I drop the body on the floor and put my hands on my knees gasping for breath. Liam leaves the door ajar so we can see the stores inside. Several barrels are stacked along the far wall. RHUM is stamped on most of them. Some have the lids off so I take a sniff in those. "Aye, rum 'tis me bruddah. Seems like a good place t' lay low. Eh Liam?" Laughing, Liam starts to look around at the room at what other stores we can find.
  12. "Aye. Mebbe a free room fer us init." Rising from the table I wipe the crumbs from my face and down a swig of ale. I approach the couple standing near the bar. "'ppears ye 'ave 'ad some troubles last nite. Apologies. Names Ehrin McFinney. Me bruddah Ryan 'n I couldst n't 'elp but overhearing ya. New t' town be we, but n't new t' yer situation as twere. For a meager pittance, we could remove th' situation you 'ave upstairs." The man put his arm around the woman and looked over my shoulder to Liam, just as he finished eating and finished his tankard. Liam rose and joined me at the bar. The man whispered in the woman's ear and waved us to the corner of the bar.
  13. Ne'er t' early luv. Jus' drop 't 'n yer coffee
  14. C'n I 'ave a chat wit you me lady? We mite 'ave th' same list.
  15. Aye Cap'n!! Ray's n't s' pleased wit us last eve. 'ere's t' kegs an' eggs. Me fav'rite brekkie.
  16. With my arm over my brother's shoulder and a tankard in hand, we stumble into the pub singing loudly, "A linten addie toorin addie, linten addie toorin ae Linten lowrin lowrin lowrin, the barnyards of Delgaty Now, I can drink and no be drunken, I can fight and no be slain I can court with another man's lass and still be welcome to me ain A linten addie toorin addie, linten addie toorin ae Linten lowrin lowrin lowrin, the barnyards of Delgaty Ah, now my candle is burnt out, my snotter's fairly on the wane Fare ye well ye barnyards, you'll never see me here again" "Slainte agus tainte!, 'ealth n' waelth t' y' all."
  17. So me 'n me bruddah 's wondrin', 'S there a sub-plot, 'r d' tings jus' appen in Port Royal? We're tryin' to' follah th' plot wit Killingsworth an' all, an' Lady Tess and such..anythine else t' b' 'n th' watch fer? Tankee kindly, Ian O' 'n anudder tine, Coulde ther' be 'nyway t' post th' time o' day e'ry so 'ften so we c'n stay 'n th' same gen'ral time o' day. Tankee
  18. Liam spun me about and placed his hand over my mouth as the sailor continued to speak with the lady in blonde before us. Dragging me around the corner from The Ship Inn, I shove his hand from my mouth. "Wot now?" "You need t' watch yer mouth 'round 'ere" he says to me. Pointing his finger in my face, he continues, "'f we 'r t' g't any sorts o' coin wiffout killin' a man, YOU need t' be merr r'spectful o' th' ladies, 'specially th' rich ones." He drops his finger and winks. "Now c'me on, let's g't a bit o' brekkie and a drink." The day in Port Royal been bristling for some time as Liam and I walked past the produce market. As he spoke with one of the market keepers, I placed a few fruits behind my back and walked away backwards and slowly so as Liam could still see me. As we reached the old church, we sat in the shade of the stifling heat and ate the ill gotten fruits. Looking across the way at a building that could only hold royalty or the King himself our minds start to wander. "A drink 'd shurr be nice." "Aye," agreed my brother, " an' a few merr shillins'." "Aye. A lot merr. Wot ye tink they gots 'n therr Liam?" I ask pointing at the large structure. "A few merr shillins'" he returns quickly punching my shoulder. Laughing, we wipe the juice from our faces, rise from our spot of shade and inquire about the townsfolk for the nearest pub.
  19. 'Tis all true whad 'e says....
  20. Watching the woman yell at this person was quite entertaining for us. While we were still in the cups from last night, her yelling did nothing to help our current situation. "Bloody 'ell. Wouldya quits th' yellin' fer fek's sake." Covering my ears my brother elbows me in the side as for my choice of words.
  21. We're not quite inna town yet me lady. But ye'll know us when we get 'ere... Names Ian Finn, me bruddahs Liam. Physical Description: Errr, well, Liam looks likes a bit like me, (twins an' all), ravishin' good looks, from wot th' ladies tell us. I know we c'n fit through a cannon port, (we tried). 'bout 12 an' half stone, nearly 2 meters tall, dressed 'n "borrowed" clothes. Occupation: Hooligans (fer hire, should th' price be rite) Disposition: Drunken 'r sober? Background: Kinda foggy. Jus' 'member me an' me bruddah in shackles 'bein put 'board a trader back a' 'ome, bound fer th' colonies. Sumthin' 'appened topside 'bout a fortnight inna th' trip, an' we ended up 'n an'oer 'old witout th' shackles but bound instead. Silly sods. We jumped ship in th' 'arbour o' Port Royal. Mebbe me bruddah 'members more....
  22. Aye Captain. Me bruddah an' I kin 'elp wit dat....
  23. Pushing my brother out of the way, I look into the chest. Several pistols and rounds of ammunition lay in the bottom. A few knives, some the size of a dagger, lay there as well. "Well fekkin' 'ell. 'e musta ben reg'lar army an' all". Stuffing the weapons into our belts we fish about for any clothes the man may have lying about. Two pair of slops, a very large shirt, a vest, and a woolen cap were are that we found. Quickly changing out of our wet trousers, Liam donned the shirt, while I was left with the vest. Once again placing the firearms in our breeches, we ate the rest of the biscuits and honey the man had on the table and removed two bottles from his collection. Finding a small bag of shillings, Liam placed that in his pocket and extinguished the candle above the mantle. Nodding at Liam, I exit the shanty and look both ways upon the wide path for any alarm that may have been raised. "Clear."
  24. "Fek. 'e ain't got shyte on 'im." Fumbling through his pockets I find a ring containing two keys. "Jes 'eez fekkin' keeyz."
  25. As dusk grew heavy and the white orb gained height in the sky, my brother and I continued to swim for shore. Nearly a cable length from the ship, we hear the bell amidships begin to ring. Lanterns begin to flood the ship and surrounding sea with light. On our backs floating across the darkness, we hear a loud commotion arising on deck. Reaching shore soon after we sit a moment and watch the folly ensue. Standing and patting my brother on his shoulder we rise and head into the outskirts of town. "Wha' first?" I ask. "Long clothes. Dry, I per'fer.." replies Liam trying to wring water out of his breeches. "No shyte. Rhum perhaps, bruddah," I tell him shaking the water out of my hair. Looking back at me he laughs, "Mum a'way's said you'd were th' dog o' th' litter." Slowly stopping to finish wringing the water out of my hair, I bend down to pick up a rock. As Liam continues to walk forward I can barely make out his silouette against the lanterns hanging from a small shanty. Hurling the rock into his back, I race towards him. Turning quickly and bending low, Liam grabs me and throws me to the ground. Rolling and trying to clutch at each other Liam spins me around and locks one of his arms around my throat. Grasping my arms with his, he pins me to the ground. "For fek's sake, wha's gotten inta yew?" "Dog...litter..." I try to spit out as I am out of breath and his arm continues to impede my breathing. Trying to wriggle out of his hold, he loosens his grip. Suddenly, a figure comes from the hut and begins yelling at us, "¿Qué hay? ¿Cómo se llama?, ¿Cómo se llama?"
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