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The Empress

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  • Location
    Covent Garden, London, England
  • Interests
    Procuring young pretty girls for "the trade", bilking noblemen and wealthy gentlemen of all their cash and material assets, making coffee...
  1. Oi! You lot! Keep it down in here! I'm trying to entertain customers next door!
  2. Captain John Sterling care of The Three Crowns Inn Port Royal Jamaica Sir, I was never more surprised than when I found you was gonne and Mrs. McKenny and my best gowne with you. When you quit the House, I little imagyned you intended to leave London without seeing me again, much less deprive me of my best Girl and best Dress! Your behaviour is all of a piece and convinces me how much I ought to despise a heart which can dote upon an idiot. As to Mrs. McKenny, I know not whether I should not admire her cunning more than her simplicity: wonderful both! Not only does she depryve me of the Income she brings, but the vicious Lord Darnley has taken out his wrath on three of her sisters in the House and they stand unable to Work. Indeed an the wounds not knit cleanly, they may be goode for none but scullery maides. Knows she not that her fame on the stage will not last once she is off it? She will not profite from the memorie of those who fawned upon her. Already a new beautie has replaced her as the talke of London. Tell her that there shall be a playce for her with the Flanders Women in Bankside. As for your request, dear Sir, do you fancie yourself capable of so entirely perswading me out of my senses that I should deliver my whole fortune into your power, in order to enable you to to support your pleasures at my expence?
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