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Zero Eyed Bart

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Posts posted by Zero Eyed Bart

  1. Sour ram testicles dipped well in sour and sour chilly sauce...

    I did I ever tell you the time when we had taken a ship off the shore of Havana. IT was laden with booty..., tobacco, spanish eights, ram testicles, and the governers daughter.

    Then we hit a blighter a week later!

    The gold went overboard, and then the governers daughter went overboard, and then we tossed the weed, but we never did dare toss the testicles!

  2. Lost in a vast ocean and searching for something to cling to?

    That happens nearly every morning to me. But you are right, this morning was an especially discombobabalating experience.

    Does anyone know how to spell discobambulating?

  3. Where the women are oh so fine, and the fruit is sitting around in piles, awaiting your hungry desire. And the water is warm...

    I was sitting in a deck chair once, and I heard a scampering amidst the trees. Monkeys! I thought. How I do enjoy watching those little greedy humans.

    I eagerly awaited the sighting. And then I saw....

    a squirrel B)

    how not interesting.

    Share your stories of this magical country...

  4. IS there a server here? I'd like something licoricey please. With cream, and ice.

    I'm preparing to cross the ocean in search of my darling lass.... Are there any would join me?

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