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Everything posted by waiting4mypirate

  1. I agree on the fast pass.. considering how much money you spend there.. time is of importance.. and the less time you have to stand in line the better says I...
  2. I dont beg often but pleaseeeeeeee take pics... why cant i be out there... lol
  3. Yes when I was just there at DL a few months ago I seen a bunch of kids using the wheelchairs as a ploy to get on the rides a lot faster.. It really upset me... I just try to time things different.. Like I rode the POC while the lazer show and fireworks was going on and it was so slow we didnt even have to get off.. I went 3 times in a row.. and I was thrilled.. you can never have to much POC.. right? Anyhow I think FP would be a great thing for them to make permanent on that ride, cuz anyother time the lines were crazy long... just my 2 cents.. lol Miss Lisa
  4. ok after thinking long and hard .. here I go 1. That no child be harmed- (abused and such) 2. For my mother to overcome Cancer (and it stay gone) 3. that one day I may return to the sea Sounds corney Ay? But weighs deep on my heart... and if i got one more I would have to agree with Merrydeath on this one... i would wish for happiness... ( and to experience love like i have never known it) ok done... lmao
  5. thanks for correcting me cap'n Pete I should of gave that warning... as to my 3 wishes I am still thinking... I will get back to you.. lol and Jack... very heartwarming..
  6. If ye had three wishes what would they be? ( this could be interesting)
  7. shall I be wondering these villages alone? Exciting to think of what this year holds.......
  8. these pictures were simply breathtakeing! Really makes me miss home.. Thanks for posting these pics, really brings back memories !!!
  9. just ate a few peices of shrimp and some clams.. not to bad.. lol
  10. thanks for the welcome!
  11. I just wanted to say hi and that your tips are great! I look forward to getting to know you all... cheers!
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