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Ronny Deadweight

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About Ronny Deadweight

  • Birthday 12/14/1990

Profile Information

  • Location
    England, UK
  1. Why won't your PC open much?
  2. Ahem... Sorry about that http://hazardousproductions.cabspace.com/v...et_video(4).mpg Right click and save as. Its saved in MPEG format if your PC don't have the right codecs, then I'll upload the .wmv for you.
  3. Just "borrowed" it from youtube, its on my HDD if anyone wants it, tell me and I'll convert it and upload it for you to D/L.
  4. 'Like Light to Flies' - Trivium If I can just hammer Matt Heafy's solo I will be playing this
  5. Well, If I can get hold of any of my pets (the bloody buggers) I'd post images, but right now, my three cats run rampant with free thought to free fall, and my Dog has had a tumor removed and if I take a photo of him in this state, when I look at the photo's further down the line of my promiscuous life I'd remember of the pain he went through. And I know have a budgie... but its so shy that it hides itself and looks like a Giant white fur ball amongst the backing off... well... white.
  6. Thanks, and thanks again I'll look into those websites =)
  7. Right, On the 14th of December is my 16th B'day, and I want a Pirate hat, not one of those party ones, but a (If they do exist) a real one. I am restricted I live in the area of Telford in the United Kingdom, but can get to places like Shrewsbury, Wolverhampton, and (pushing it a little) Birmingham, I can't purchase online (which really P****S me off) so does anyone know of a good place? If not I'll see what nagging I can do to be allowed to purchase Online, also, anyone know a rough price for one?
  8. This reminds me of this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloop and for those wandering what the legendary Cthulhu is, click here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cthulhu
  9. STARTING FRIDAY 1ST DECEMBER AT 5:30pm GMT This Friday Brett(Hemlock) and Craig(Kure-gu) will be attempting a 48 hour game-a-thon, the option to sleep does exist, but I doubt we will be sleeping, The game will be Ocarina of Time, and its a race to see who can complete it the fastest. Not only that but we will also be doing other things, such as; pranks, general pratting around, AND we have ALOT of Cider. Please Tune in and watch this, the links are as follows; http://wifi-buddies.com/index.php?wifi=webcam http://hemlocksgameblog.blogspot.com/ http://www.stickam.com/profile/48gamers There will be a chatroom, so join in and we'll chat back, but please don't abuse this chat room, you will be banned. Will you watch it?
  10. http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=17265 According to that it hits the theaters on May 25th so around February time for the Trailer, I'll keep my eyes on IMDB meanwhile
  11. Its back, Came here before my Computer, almost-died-but-didn't-quite-die-because-it-was-saved-by-my-uber-l337-geeky-computer-knowledge-which-doesn't-actually-exist-I-just-made-it-up. >_>
  12. 'ronny the salty ocean-dweller!' Arrrrrr, Im the all powerful, all fearsome, Salty ocean-dweller... Ar?
  13. I found the damn link to this place, now I can start posting again =)
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