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    St Augustine, FL
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    I run the Pirate Fashions N Foto store in Historic St Augustine as well as on-line store. I be the creator of Hot Pirate Babe Calendar and wrote for Pirates Magazine.
  1. St. Augustine, FLORIDA VENUE: St Augustine Historic District Avast all ye pyrate loving souls. Come to the oldest city in the USA to celebrate the best “Talk Like a Pirate Day” weekend. Spend an entire weekend dressed in pirate garb walking down historic cobblestone roads next to Spanish Fortresses built to keep the pirate’s out. Learn to talk, fight n’ drink like a pirate, arrrrrgh! Friday 11:30-1:30pm: Tour of Colonial Spanish Quarter to see blacksmiths, carpenters n’ other people who pirates stole from, with a lunch at the Spanish Bakery. Friday 2-4pm: Tour of Castillo de San Marcos, the oldest masonry fort in the US, built in 1672 after the English Pirate’s burnt the town to the ground twice. Friday 7-9pm: Brethern Pub Crawl: get to meet all yar fellow pyrate at 4 pubs: Scarlet O’Hara, Mill Top, Taberna del Gallo, Ann O’Mally’s with a special public duel with sword, flintlock and knife on the streets of St Augustine. Ticket: $25 i Saturday 10-11:45 am: Fact vs Fiction of Pirate Boarding Actions by Benerson Little, author of “The Great Pirate Legends Debunked”, “How History’s greatest Pirates Pillages, Plundered and got away with it”, “Pirate Hunting”, “The Buccaneer’s Realm”, “The Sea Rover’s Practice” Saturday 2-3:30pm: Guided Tour of Pat Croce’s St Augustine Pirate & Treasure Museum featuring Thomas Tew’s treasure chest, one of the only real Jolly Roger Flags and rare shipwreck treasures. Saturday 5-10pm: Hot Pirate Babe Calendar Release n’ Talk Like a Pirate Day Party at the Ocean Pier Pavilion in St Augustine Beach, Singles $45 or $80 Couple, includes: Full Pyrate Dinner; all you can drink ale, grog, n’ tea; Talk Like a Pirate Class; Period Dance; Entertainment by Capt Dan, Michael Jordan, Belly Dancers; and get a signed copy of the 2012 Hot Pirate Babe Calendar by all the models attending. Special Guest: Robert Burck, better known as the Naked Cowboy from Time Square to trade his cowboy garb fer a pirate tricorn hat n' bucket boots to sing a few sea shanties. Ticket: $70 or $45 fer the party only Sunday 12-4pm: Boarding Actions class by John Lennox, Fight Director for Art of Combat n’ the Historical Maritime Combat Association. This hands-on seminar will feature battle techniques of pirates from the 17th to 19th centuries using the cutlass, boarding axe and long knife. Includes admission to the Fountain of Youth. Ticket: $50 $120 Entire Weekend Ticket ($160 value) to include a 8x10 Pyrate Foto, must purchase tickets before the events at website:http://www.PirateFas....Com/party.html. Instead of tryin' to waterdown the event by makin' it as cheap as possible like a landlubber would, we believe with all arrrr heart that life be too short to put on bad party, so we strive to be puttin' on the most unique n' fun events possible, even if it cost a wee bit little extra.
  2. Ahoy Matie, I would be most interested in purchancing a chest load of yar fine coinage, please e-mail me: tiger@piratefashions.com yar pricelist. Tiger Lee
  3. I have tried contacting you by your website, but have not receive a reply. I would like to order yar find beverage to sell in my pirate store in St Augustine and possible on-line at www.piratefashions.com. Tiger Lee
  4. Ahoy Matie, This be Tiger Lee, I run a pirate store in St Augustine, FL. I be needing some gifted wood turner to make me some belay pins. I would like two types: One a simple, light, cheap version 17 inch long for around $7-10. The other more expensive, dark, heavy duty one 21 inch long for $15-20 wholesale. I would want 6 cheaper one and 3 more expensive one fer the first order. I estimate I would reorder 2 to 4 times a year. Best to e-mail me at: tiger@piratefashions.com Tiger Lee, creator of the Hot Pirate Babe Calendar series
  5. Ahoy Matie, Caribbean Pearl is my partner when I do vending outside of my St Augustine Store. We have done Stuart Pirate Fest, Key Largo Pirate Festival, Tybee Island and PIP together. Tiger
  6. Thanks fer the warring shot, them pics be corrected. I hope to be putting up more items soon, as I have plenty of stuff in my store. Tiger
  7. Ahoy Maties, This be Tiger Lee the creator of Hot Pirate Babe Calendar series and writer of the "A Siren's Call" column in Pirates Magazine. Its almost been one year since I moved from San Diego, CA to St Augustine, FL to set up a permanent store called Pirate Portraits N Treasures in the oldest city in America. I have finally gotten around to setting up a website to sell the best items available in my store. Pirate Fashions sell a wide range of products such as: corsets, waistcoats, tricornes, replica flintlocks, cutlasses, coins, tankards, shirts, chemise, baldrics, flags n' many more items. Please take a look n' let me know what you think about the design of the site n' my offerings. Tiger Lee
  8. Ahoy Maties, Can ye add me to yar list. This be Tiger Lee the creator of Hot Pirate Babe Calendar series. I got tired of everyone asking me where to get good stuff, so I have finally put up a website to sell some of the items in my one year old permanent store called Pirate Portraits N Treasures in the oldest city in America, St Augustine. www.PirateFashions.com sell a wide range of products such as: corsets, waistcoats, tricornes, replica flintlocks, cutlasses, coins, tankards, shirts, chemise, baldrics, flags n' many more items. Tiger Lee
  9. Do yar know of anyone who could be able to mock out a fiberglass cannon barrow? I know a local black smith who could make me some of the smaller items. Tiger Its not too difficult to mock up a larger fake barrel out of PVC/Foam, Fiberglass or cement. The problem comes with everything else that you want for it. All of that stuff for a gun that size is way out of your budget if you want it to look good
  10. I am also aware of the Largo Cargo 10 foot cannon, which is too big for my space. They did tell me that they will be working on a 8 foot gun next year, which doesn't work with my time frame. If you know of any one else me me know. I also know of greatguns.org which is too big or small and too expensive for my budget. Tiger
  11. Ahoy Maties, As you be interested in making cannon, right at the time I be in need of one. I run an Olde Tyme Pirate Photo Studio in St Augustine, FL. I want to build a set to look like the inside of a gun deck to a tallship. I am in need a realistic looking gun, probably a 9 pounder (about 5.5 feet long) on a naval carriage. It does not have to fire or be made of metal, as I would need to move it around by myself many times during the day. It does need to be strong enough to allow a few people to sit on it. I also need all the props of a gun deck such as the blocks, rammer, sponger, wormer, cannon balls, grapeshot, buckets, etc. My budget for all of this is about $1000, which is that much I know, but still alot to spend in this economy. If any of you have good ideas let me know. Yes I know about the replica cannon form Loyalist Arms, but they do not carry it anymore. Tiger Lee, creator of the Hot Pirate Babe Calendar
  12. In Garb Pub Crawl being held the 2nd Friday of each month, from 7-11pm. Starting on March (Friday) 13th to benefiting the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Camaraderie, drinking, storytelling, drinking, song, drinking, pirate dice games and more drinking at 4 different pubs in the historical district of Americas oldest city. Cost: $10 or $5 if you be dressed in 15th to 19th century pirate garb. No real or replica weapons. Dollar off the first drink at every pub. Buy tickets at Pirate Portraits N Treasures located at 100 St George Street, Suite I, St Augustine, FL 32084. More info at: www.pirateportraitsntreasures.com Special gift for all participant of the first In Garb Pub Crawl - 2009 Hot Pirate Babe Calendar ($14 value).
  13. Ahoy Maties, I just set up a permanent studio N store in St Augustine a little more than a month ago. I welcome all ye pirates to come visit my new store. I'm in the Spanish Plaza in Suite I, only 2 blocks from your encampment. Open everyday from 10am to 6pm. I'm set up to take portraits as well as to sell pirate products such as: cutlasses, tricorns, sashes, belts, books, magazines, hat pins, flintlocks, socks, tankards, dubloons. I am actively seeking more product to sell on consignment, so if you have something, please drop by with examples. I don't sell any plastic or polyester like all the other pirate stores. I am trying to carry more authentic pirate products, so please help me out, mates! Tiger Lee from the South China Seas
  14. Did anyone even look at my blog. All I got was this argument about skinny girls vs curvy women. Sorry, I be a skinny pirate and me like skinny wenches. It as been very difficult doing my own calendar, if anyone else want to do a calendar of men or big women - let them. No all the wench I shoot are skinny. A calendar is a big investment that has to pay for it self in 2 month. The blog is not about the calendar but more about the events I do and the pirate thing I come accross. I put a number of posting that are not wench related, doesn't anyone find what I have written interested or will I only get hate messages from wench who are not skinny!
  15. Ello Shipmates, I have started a new blog of me voyages through the pirate world. In the two weeks that is has been up I has written 10 entrees highlighting the event that I have been to such as: Pier Daze, Old Fort MacArthur, Lake Forest Parade, Labyrinth of Jareth, and Ventura Harbor Pirate Days as well as other musings such as a backyard pirate ship, the Pirettes Movie Trailer and the Molly Roger Roller Girls. Please take a look and let me know what you think, mates: http://insearchofpiratewenches.blogspot.com/
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