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Tia Dalma

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Everything posted by Tia Dalma

  1. Den sleep will be yer reward Pirate~~ Davey Jones, him taste the blood of sailors in da waters you sail. You never satitate da hunger he feel. So, wat hope have you? Hmmmmmm ~~I will gift yu wit rest Pirate. Sleep. An no dreams.
  2. Why... tu see you. An Tu ~~ tell you. (Tia Dalma drifted closer an leaned her face near enouf so dat her lips just brushed agenst the wumons ear~~) Da signs and tides be right, Pirate. All dat we foresaw dhose long years ago~~ can come to pass. (Tia Dalma drew away an smiled) If yu still want it.
  3. Mmmmmmmm~~ You are Pirate. An du you not already dream of da Sea? (run's a finger along da line of you jaw) You want to know me? Den sleep. (soft smile)
  4. Her hand drift across da scattered claws upon da table top. Da creak of da door draws her eyes toward it an her wicked smiles drifts across her face in a familiar fashion. Her watches as da Pirate steps inside wit out a sound~~ brush'n aside da heavy fog from before her eyes dat has mades it's entry wit her. "Ahhhh..." Tia Dalma coo's as she sits up on her stool. "You cannot have forgott'n dat da fog is nutting more dan Sea air come ashore." (soft giggle) It follow you still!" T'Dalma rises an moves hauntingly towards da visitor. "Welcome. Sistar. It has been to long a time."
  5. Wit de un-dead monkey perched on her shoulder, she places da Ouija aside, dropping it into a small and already cluttered barrel. Picking up da flower bundle and making a loop from da binding ribbon, she hangs dem, inverted, on da shack railing post beside a candle lamp. Wit half lidded eyes she simply gazes out over da river before returning to da quiet space dat lies across her threshold.
  6. Never mistake a look of taughtfulness for meloncholy~~ (with a slight tilt of da head) You heard. And you returned.
  7. (Gazing at the door where Tar made his forlorn exit, she picks up a water stained and salt encrusted Ouija board from among the scattered effects) Pity. (wry smile)
  8. (taking the cooper and slipping it back into Merry's bodice) Da secret to blissful dreams? Wen I look intu da hand I see shadow. Da shadow of a man and not one dat holds you heart. Dare be suspicion and a tase of fear in you wit dis man. You must move out of dis shadow befoe da dreams wit light an sea an freedom can find you again. (looking at you aside) You have tried. You must try again.
  9. (lookn aside with a touch of bewilderment) Wot makes you tink the tresses be you yours?
  10. True enough and spoken wit wisdon of one who knows. Greed be the hardest barter. It is not impossible but the price is always da highest. And seldom worth the cost.
  11. Den perhaps dis will do you~~ http://www.cmdboats.com/cb24.htm
  12. I have no use of transport if I intend to stay in des waters~~ But I will tink on your barter.
  13. I welcomes simple gratitude. For dis den, I will tell to you da whole of the call~~ "Let no joyful voice be heard!" "Let no man look up at the sky with hope! " "And let this day be cursed by we who ready to wake... the Kraken!" Be wise if you use it. I cannot barter back you Soul.
  14. Ahhh~~~ A Sailor dat hold affection for family. A rare an precious jewel of da sea. (nodding) Hold fast to it. It make a safer passage dan any ship.
  15. An' is it not true dat men of fortune usually seek it? I wil take da offer of your drink and recall it if you have a need in times to come.
  16. Is sweet dream you want? You look'n for da answer to troubled waters? Too small a ting to barter a price. Hold out you palm~~~~
  17. Only, the truth be that a sorcerouses also have control over da corpse whil' you do not. Ahhhhh ~~~
  18. An' so he spoke to da depths: "Let no joyful voice be heard!" "Let no man look up at the sky with hope!" I leave da rest to your fellows if they can produce it. If not, I will share it with you. For a fee. (soft smile)
  19. Mmmmm I am grateful for da welcome. (soft smile) There is no need of fear of Hexes where none are deserved. Tank you for da company that I am sure will be pleasurable.
  20. No, only the few have need of potions. A pirate, may find staying young, as simple a ting as dying at an early age.
  21. Many tanks to you. I am always willing to trade. What have you ta offer in exchange? Besides you lovely smile.
  22. I hear dat these are safe waters for da time being. I hope to know many of you better and barter for the things you need? Do you know what it is you need? Don't ask me for a locket. Dat is spoken for.
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