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Captain Splinter

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  1. Yar, and ahoy Mates! ... she be right, ye know. The Portland Pirate Festival will be a most rollickin' piratical time for all. The question was asked "Why be it only for one day".. well, because it is the 1st year, and there's a lot of start-up monies involved, that's why. The LYNX costs money, lads... the park.. costs money, noise ordinance variations for various noisy ordnance... cost money.. yarrrr. But come and spend yer swag, ye dock wallopin' lubbers.. and next year (already planned, bucky) will be two days... haryharhar... Also, there be great grub and grog... from Salvador Molly's Pirate Cookin' to our own Rogue Brewery .. Captain Splinter
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