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About WilliamtheBloody

  • Birthday 09/16/1991

Profile Information

  • Location
    St. Louis area...
  • Interests
    Making flash and skateboarding. But mostly making flash.
  1. Me new drumset!!!! OMG! Yes, Cap'n Pete Straw, I have a drumset as of a few hours ago! I've been playing it non-stop! (Cept fer now, of course!)
  2. Very nice. The teloscope one will become my avatar. And yes, I already found ye on the site.
  3. Lol, "insane douchebag." The #1 rated cat on that site looked far too much like hitler. Creepy. Hitler was re-incarnated as a cat.
  4. Or make your own tricorn, it's not that hard. (My dad made mine) Just get a round hat and sew up the sides to make a triangle, right?
  5. Yes, for it too had something to do with "William the Bloody." Although I cannot remember the exact title, perhaps williambloody, or William_the_Bloody, or something. Besides, I forgot the password anyway... And in answer to the other question, yes I made a few posts, but no more than 5 or so.
  6. Perhaps ye could purchase an ordinary RC ship, and then customize it to yer fancy? A little paint here and there, a few masts, and whalaa!
  7. Pay for it you will, and I will see to that... And as for Port Washington, I would love to go but I am not sure if I will be in Chicago at that time...
  8. As I so clumsily lost my password and username to me other account, I decided to make a new one. I'll hopefully be signing aboard with the crew of the Fool's Gold.
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