I'm 5'3", Jacky. And Mr. H. is 5'9".
And Lily, I need lessons on how NOT to lead.
I was at an English Country Dance a little while ago, and they ended the event with a "last waltz". I don't actually waltz, but I was tired of always sitting out the last dance. I noticed that one of the men who is an excellent (trained) dancer was also on the sidelines, so I got brave and asked him to dance, explaining that I didn't really know how to waltz.
I asked him for some advice, and he replied "Just think in threes".
So, we started whirling around the dancefloor.
Partway through the dance, I noticed a change in the "feeling" of the movement. I asked my partner, "Oh, no ... am I leading now?"
"Yes," he replied, "but don't worry about it."
And I feel fine, btw: