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Everything posted by Hester

  1. The administrators of the Stargate: Atlantis fanfic archive called "Wraithbait" have gotten into the spirit of "Talk Like a Pirate Day" and have changed their homepage and skins for the next week: http://www.wraithbait.com/
  2. Poached Egg Storm clouds A really handsome construction worker who promised that he won't dig up MY block The brother
  3. Brave Sir Robin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JmoLbU_pYQ
  4. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^Sitting in the sun by the water, reading "Pirate Porn" and drinking tropical rum cocktails while listening to surf punk. < Jacky Tar, if you don't think dark chocolate's addictive, then you just haven't eaten enough yet. V Passing the question ... what's your metaphorical "happy place"?
  5. C - Jason Alexander?
  6. Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rWU-9YIc9A
  7. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^ Summer Holidays ... I'm not finished yet! I've got one more week coming up! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdJCtqegd8A < I'm used to fireworks in September. My cottage neighbours used to save up the money from their beer bottle returns all summer, and buy fireworks for Labour Day weekend. <Well, Jenny, I just might have to do that. I was thinking of putting "Develop a shoe fetish" on my list of New Year's Resolutions this year anyway. In the meantime, 3 weeks after that beastly haircut, it's starting to look less flapperish and more like Queen Elizabeth's 'do from the 1960s. Cripes! V Worst hairstyle you've ever had?
  8. Hi, Bonnie: Well, here is a still photo of Bowie in that glam pirate outfit: And here's a pic from somewhat later in his career in lace-cuffs and frock coat: And here's a clip of Bowie doing a cameo as a common sailor in the movie "Yellowbeard": (Sorry the aspect ratio's rather squished in that -- it was the only clip I could find.)
  9. Hi, Black Bonnie: Yes, it's a drag that Bowie video disappeared. Copyright violation, I guess. But, I did find this little gem today -- Johnny Depp in a skit on "The Fast Show" on BBC television: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99ahcMHAWJ4 Warnings: Naughty language and no actual pirate content.
  10. Tiki Bongo: http://music.download.com/tikibongo/3600-8...-100168944.html
  11. Coconut shrimp The "Home" My parents My sister
  12. But Jenny, it's only Thursday yet.
  13. My sympathies, Ransom! If you happen to have some aromatherapy oils around, you could try a "Peppermint Halo" -- it sometimes helps me when I have a migraine. In your palm, mix a few drops of essential oil of peppermint into a dollop of face cream (cold cream works well, but vaseline would also work). Then, using your fingertips, rub this mixture into your hairline, all the way around your head, making sure to avoid contact with your eyes. Then, lie down in a dark room with a cold cloth over your eyes. Hope you're feeling better soon!
  14. "________ ____ is Alright for Fighting!" http://youtube.com/watch?v=pdvUUf1ysuc
  15. Thanks for that, Cap'n Grey! That's brilliant.
  16. "The Irish Rover" by the Dubliners and the Pogues And here's the lyrics, coz ya'll be wanting to sing along, now: On the Fourth of July, 1806 We set sail from the sweet cove of Cork We were sailing away with a cargo of bricks For the Grand City Hall in New York 'Twas a wonderful craft She was rigged fore and aft And oh, how the wild wind drove her She stood several blasts She had twenty seven masts And they called her The Irish Rover We had one million bags of the best Sligo rags We had two million barrels of stone We had three million sides of old blind horses hides We had four million barrels of bones We had five million hogs And six million dogs Seven million barrels of porter We had eight million bails of old nanny-goats' tails In the hold of the Irish Rover There was awl Mickey Coote Who played hard on his flute When the ladies lined up for a set He was tootin' with skill For each sparkling quadrille Though the dancers were fluther'd and bet With his smart witty talk He was cock of the walk And he rolled the dames under and over They all knew at a glance When he took up his stance That he sailed in The Irish Rover There was Barney McGee From the banks of the Lee There was Hogan from County Tyrone There was Johnny McGurk Who was scared stiff of work And a man from Westmeath called Malone There was Slugger O'Toole Who was drunk as a rule And Fighting Bill Treacy from Dover And your man, Mick MacCann From the banks of the Bann Was the skipper of the Irish Rover We had sailed seven years When the measles broke out And the ship lost its way in the fog And that whale of a crew Was reduced down to two Just myself and the Captain's old dog Then the ship struck a rock Oh Lord! what a shock The bulkhead was turned right over Turned nine times around And the poor old dog was drowned I'm the last of The Irish Rover
  17. "Look Sharp" by Joe Jackson http://youtube.com/watch?v=4PgbIf0x1L0
  18. Honey-roasted Macadamia nuts (left over from the plane ride) Lots of You Tube videos (bloody slacker!) Aunt D. Ivy (whom I owe a letter)
  19. Man from U.N.C.L.E.
  20. "Down Among the Dead Men" by Flash & the Pan http://youtube.com/watch?v=gK4Spx-mCNQ Not truly a pirate video, as the song's about the sinking of the Titanic. But, they do wear kitschy pirate costumes for the chorus. And yes, I'm old enough to have owned their debut album on vinyl as a teenager.
  21. School letting out. Now there's a neighbourhood sound I haven't heard for a couple months! Is it really September already? And is it really 4 pm already? Yikes! I haven't even had my bath yet today!
  22. Oh ... I liked it back when I originally saw it, and I recently bought a copy on DVD. It's a good romp. And Matthew Modine was yummy. Generally, I usually like Geena Davis as an actor ... but I must admit she seemed a bit wooden in this film at times. But that's maybe at least partially attributable to weak direction and scriptwriting. Still ... well worth seeing/owning, I'd say. Definite popcorn flik.
  23. This one's for Captain Tito, in honour of his birthday today... Salsa-Dancing Pirates (in Israel of all places!): All pirates should learn how to salsa dance, I think!
  24. Those of you on Facebook might be interested in joining the Pirate side in the global battle against the evil Ninjas: http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.p...bb22364e01a27e3 Arrr... sign the articles, mates!
  25. Thank you, Harbour Master! That's brilliant! I thought I'd seen all the Monkees episodes in syndication in the 'after-school' timeslot in the 1970s, but I must have missed that one. And where was Mike anyway? And I covet the Bus Pirates "Like the Sea" T-shirt.
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