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Everything posted by Hester

  1. Yes, this is an addiction! I've made 2 more Stargate: Atlantis fanvids in the past two days: "The Highwayman" ... set to the Nelson/Kristofferson/Jennings/Cash song. "Rescue Me" ... set to the Motown classic by Fontella Bass.
  2. Mats, have you met Eduardo? http://pyracy.com/forums/index.php?showuser=5154 (He's a character of mine on the beach party thread. His avatar is actually a picture of a young James Burton. I had Ricky Nelson playing as a musical guest at the beach party and used a photo of him & James Burton. Then, I needed to explain who the other guy in the photo was ... and "Eduardo" took on a life of his own.) Anyhow, speaking of James Burton, here's a You Tube clip in which he's backing up Nick Lowe & Elvis Costello, while they're singing "(What's so funny about) Peace, Love, & Understanding": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wE3_QFu7epQ (Totally gratuitous comment: Nick Lowe is such a babe!)
  3. Making Stargate: Atlantis fan videos: The Wraith: "Space Cretins" "Banditos" "Space Manatee" I suspect I'll have to check into rehab soon.
  4. Turkey Curry
  5. Thanksgiving Dinner: Turkey stuffed with Skirlie (traditional Scottish oatmeal & onion mixture) Cranberry sauce Mashed potatoes Gravy Buttercup squash with peas Apple pie & Cherry pie for dessert
  6. Beef & bean tostadas.
  7. with smoke billowing around
  8. . Suddenly, on the horizon...
  9. The pirate ship grows a pair of dragon wings and flies off into outer space.
  10. The "First Mate" is a raven-haired secret agent, under cover as a beach bum.
  11. Locksley: http://www.bandoflocksley.com/
  12. jazz standard http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMSPgL4v7hU
  13. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^ No time soon, thankfully. We're enjoying full-on Indian Summer here. Temps predicted in the mid- to high 20s Celsius all week, with lots of sun and balmy breezes. < However, the humidity is encouraging lots of mould spores, so my nose is running like a tap this morning. I'll appreciate the frost when it kills off the mould. V What exciting new items have you got for your Fall Wardrobe?
  14. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
  15. Lost in Space
  16. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^ Move to the seaside... preferably somewhere tropical. < Tired from my Scottish Country Dance session tonight. Good exercise, though! And nice people. V What unusual forms of exercise do you participate in? (Please keep it clean, mates...)
  17. Lean Cuisine Wild Salmon with Basil. (I'm being good!) Hollie the hairdresser's punk-rock belt -- very cool! Keith the Scottish dance teacher. (He's a sweetie!) David, my former Scottish dance teacher. (Tonight we danced a dance that he choreographed. And he's a sweetie too!)
  18. A nice autumnal scent: Calgon take me away! Pear Caramel Body Mist ... but the wasps like it too! Hmmm ... pear scent, alcohol, autumn ... That reminds me -- it's time I popped by the liquor store and picked up some Sir Perry pear cider!
  19. Long John Silver:
  20. Purging the jacuzzi, doing laundry, trimming my toenails, and listening to the radio. Who says I can't multi-task?
  21. (No apology necessary, Silkie. Great minds think alike! ) Little John
  22. (Since Silkie's answer has brought us full circle, I'm gonna break the loop and reply to Briar Rose's posted image instead.) Maid Marian [i'm afraid I've forgotten which artist created this illustration from a Robin Hood children's book. It shows Maid Marian spinning, while being watched by the Prioress of Kirklees Abbey (who is said to have murdered Robin Hood). The imagery certainly recalls the fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty.]
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