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  1. Hey Mates .. I was able to get from http://carlislesonline.com the Jack Sparrow jacket in a wool blend! now there ya go, and I say the price be fair
  2. I wasn't too impressed with the look of the cutlass and dirk.. too simple for my taste, but good prices I have to agree.
  3. I liked the garb at barkertownsutlers.com but I found the pieces to be plain for my taste. One of the things I like about Carlisles is the selction.. fancy or plain. I know some of you lads might want togo with plain, but I perfer a bit o' flurrish, a dandy is fine by me :) the ladies don't seem ta mind mates But I do have garb for everyday piracy, and the shirt I have form Carlisle sis excellent... wiating on the Cailico Jack Pirate coat. I wrote them and the full coat is functional with the pockets and buttons, even on the cuffs. Plus they do try to create that histroric looks and feel with a duck material (a form of canvas) so it should hold up. and El Pirata: yeah I would think their product pics would look clean and new, as for plain, well go with the Capaitan coat them :) .. but for a nice pirate stable coat the Calico is my go.. give it a few days in the stern sheets and rigging.. I am sure you will get a good weathered look, and their's should hold together.. seems solid made. I plan to hit mine with a waterproof sray since it is a canvas type material. Should hold well and give plenty of years. Wool would be better, but the fabric would cost more.
  4. Hey Rumba, if you saw a coat like this one for only $500 I would love to see it! You got a website? 10X better you say? Wow.. Hey I am all for a better price, but it sure sounds unlikely... I don't buy cheap costumes. did you guys EVEN see the detail pics of this coat? COAT DETAIL PICS 10x BETTER HE SAYS LOL ... now that I want to see!! and I hear you on the shrinkage thing.. never had a problem with it myself, but I guess it depends on who you buy from, and the price you pay.
  5. Harbormaster: I do like those leather hats.. you showed a bit more than what I was wanting to spend.. but leather looks great and lasts.. rain or wind :) You link to the loftdragon didn't work. Have they gone away? I think the $600 bones for the captian coat is a bit steap, but looking at it I can imagine how much time and material goes into it.. must not be cheap for them to make .. I still want ONE! Misery: maybe you can have one of your family members make me one?? :) safe me some money? and you are looking to have seamstresses in the family. Well if anything Carlisles provided good service to me, and I really have not found many sites like this one, or carries the high quality. I have found plenty mom and pop places that most the pirate stuff looks cheap and laughable.., and I can't sew
  6. Aye, but you get what you pay for, and these guys make some excellent beautiful stuff. Granted I will have to save for the Capitaine coat (too bad christmas is already past) but I did get their Calico Jack shirt, an was very pleased. I think I will order one of those hats though.. they seem a fair price.. tough to find good pirate hats that are not cheap or goofy costumes.
  7. Hey mates! Carlisles has finally put out their new Pirate clothing line! I am all over the Capitaine Coat!! Check it out mate as they look to have some high quality pirate hats, coats, and vests. Looks like a Jack Sparrow type jacket as well! Carlisles Historic Clothing.. NEW PIRATE CLOTHING
  8. Hey mates! Carlisles has finally put out their new Pirate clothing line! I am all over the Capitaine Coat!! Check it out mate as they look to have some high quality pirate hats, coats, and vests. Looks like a Jack Sparrow type jacket as well! Carlisles Historic Clothing.. NEW PIRATE CLOTHING
  9. Here's one of the Pirate shirt they offer at Carlisles.. Great workmanship and decent prices. I also got a blackwork shirt of theirs also I am also having them make me a captain's coat and vest, and they mentioned adding those and more pirate garb to their wares .. excellent! check it out at: Carlisles Historic clothing
  10. One new place ya might want to look at for fine histroic clothing is Carlisles They have some of the most best men's historic clothing I have seen, and there prices are pretty good for the work and quality. I got me self a pirate shirt and a few excellent blackwork shirts (only place I could find such things) They do custom work and are going to start doing more Pirate garb, so I am talking to them about a captain's frock coat and vest. Check em out lads if ya looking for quality stuff that holds up, and it's all hand made. They mentioned to me that they are going to try and open up to more pirate wares as they were working with the Gasparilla in clothing orders. They do damn fine work I can tell you and unigue. So perhaps they will have the coats and vest in their catalogue.
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