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  1. Festival is happening September 26, 27 and 28. This is the second year for it. The first was a blast. We had LOTS of kids. West Coast Mutineers are the ones to talk to to see if there is room left for pirates for the cast if not then come out anyway to play with us. Silly
  2. Hello all. If you're looking for some words and chords to some songs try www.hcs.harvard.edu/~celts/songbook.shtml or www.azirishmusic.com/song_list.htm or if you are looking for a site to help in learning the concertina or mandolin try www.folkofthewood.com or if you want to hear or see a few videos (some not pyrate some are) try www.canadiancracker.com read the bio on tommy. Some of you who have been to Pirates in Paradise know him as Patches. There is a surprise when you click on one of the pics. Silly
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