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  1. haha!thats cute and funny!
  2. this be one of me favorite pirates websites: www.thepiratesrealm.com
  3. i think ill just stick to sid meier's PIRATES! im good at that game!
  4. aye! me to!
  5. i call that a disgarce to pirates....
  6. i may be a weeee late but happy birthday lass!
  7. happy natal day red cat jenny!
  8. these are great! i am so excited about the movie!!!!
  9. althoguh i have more historical pirate stuff than fiction i habe the complete first set of potc figures and half of the second figure set.the next thing i am going to get is the potc chess set for me and my mates and the jack sparrow paperweight for my desk of nautical research! :)
  10. arr,that is pretty funny and cool!
  11. this also helped me out!thanks,trade. if thatsok to call you.
  12. interesting.thats pretty cool.
  13. yes,that be what i heard about awhile ago in a magazine at the dentist! its going to be so fun!
  14. i found 2 barbossa int he most unlikely place....WINN-DIXIE!!!!naturally i bought it!tommorow i might go back and buy raggeti and norrington to!
  15. i was at winn-dixie today and on the way out i saw this big centerpiece thing filled with potc figures,sticker,necklaces,keychains,bracelets and watches!i boguht a captain barbossa figure for my collection and a locket and on the front was the potc logo the skull and cross swords,and inside was a picture of good ol' cap'n jack sparrow!and an empty place to put another picture.i am going to put my girlfriendspicture in it!this was just so cool i had to share it!
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