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Sweet Charity Morgan

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Everything posted by Sweet Charity Morgan

  1. Hello! I am a pirate from Las Vegas coming to NoLa for the convention. I am coming alone so I'd like to find someone who wants to share hotel space. It doesn't have to be the main hotel. I would prefer a bed to myself, not floorspace. I'm 44 and female. I have a myspace-user name Toraneko if you'd like to see more info. I am fun and lively, but I do like to sleep. . .eventually. I do not care if it is male or female roomies because I am NOT looking for anything but roomshare,arrrrrrrrr! Please feel free to contact me at toranekom@yahoo.com
  2. I will be there! I am moving from the Bay area of California to Las Vegas in a couple of weeks. I',m missing out on half of faire season because of the move so I will not be missing Ojai!
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