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Keel-Haulin' Fritz

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  1. I don't know if there are festivals like those in the Netherlands, because I'm living near Hamburg. But perhaps there are Dutch pirates on this board who you could ask.
  2. this could be intersting for pirates from Germany or foreign pirates who are spending their holidays in Germany at the moment. There is a pirate openair in Grevesmühlen (Northern-Germany) which seems to be similar to the Störtebeker-Festspiele. More informations at: www.piratenopenair.de (I'm sory but this page and event is only in German but perhaps you would like it anyhow)
  3. Harrr, somethin' to lough: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWnxsVcNL2w...w&search=pirate
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