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Everything posted by Braze

  1. Braze


    Well of course I like this one. LOL
  2. Braze


    There's a flag in this photo?
  3. Thank ya lad. I'll have to put down me mug o rum and try and clear me head ta give it a thought or two.
  4. Well lads and lassies my choice would be the American Diabetes Association. http://www.diabetes.org/
  5. Great idea, I just have the old garden variety skull and cross bones. I will start designing one today. Now where did I leave my crayons?
  6. Well said indeed Sir.
  7. Bilge Rat I believe you have voiced legitimate concerns with this name and its association with the other group. So many times, things we may see as humorous or of little concern others see evil in them and blow them all out of portion. It would not be good to be misunderstood this early in our existence. Do you suggest that we change the name? What is the stated purpose of our group to begin with? If we will be seeking sponsorship then perhaps the name is a matter for concern. Here in Georgia, the buckle of the Bible belt, I can see this name causing us problems. However, if no sponsors are sought then I see little reason to fret over it. We are not seeking membership but instead nominate pirates we chose therefore public opinion in this area has little value. Perhaps the thing to do would be to create a web page that clearly shows our purpose and makes it clear that we are in no way associated with any devil cults. This would be an area for Stynky’s expertise. If people are going to the trouble of calling and asking then there could really be a problem we are not seeing. I once read that if one person will call to ask or complain there are a hundred more that felt the same and just didn’t bother to ask.
  8. Hope your recovered!


    Happy New Year!!


  9. I fly with my flintlock pistols and blunderbuss to festivals all over the place with little more than a minor inconvenience. What they require is that you have your weapons in lock able gun cases. You will be asked to open that case for inspection right there at the ticket counter, then lock it again and they will tag it and take it away with the rest of your luggage, more than likely sending it through the x-ray machine like all other luggage. Of course you cannot take black powder in any manner on board, I usually ask someone at the festival sight to get me some there so I will have it and leave the left over with them. Another thing I do is thoroughly wash any clothing I had on when I was firing my weapons or that may have been in close contact with my guns or powder horn, flasks, anything. I also rinse and dry the powder horn/flask. The powder residue will set off the detectors and an embarrassing experience at the air port will surely follow. You will of course have carefully cleanded your guns before you pack them away so this should not be a problem for you. Another thing we learned at the air port is that the Never Dull we use to shine our brass will set off the detectors big time! Man did they go nuts when that detector went off!
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