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Catseye Morgan

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Posts posted by Catseye Morgan

  1. I went to see it last night and have to say that I was completely blown away. It was one hell of a roller-coaster ride and the time just flew past. As soon as the credits started to roll, I wanted to go back and watch it all over again and I know for a fact that I'll be back for at least two more viewings!

    And that critic skims a hell of a lot in his review (which does seem to be trying to be a little too clever for his own good. Sort of 'I'm above this kind of thing but the peasants will like it'. Pffft.). There are a lot of subtle bits weaving in and out of his sweeping statements that give the film a lot more weight. The fight scenes are outrageous, over the top and so much fun that I found myself having to stuff my hand in my mouth to stop from cheering.

    Davy Jones is a tour de force and his crew are downright marvellous to behold. We find out a little bit more about Jack's past and the new baddie is the kind that makes me ache to see him get his comeuppance in the third part.

    And the ending! I shan't spoil it for those of you that haven't seen it yet, but the ending had me wanting to jump up and scream from pure joy! (I don't mean the Sparrow ending, but the after the crisis ending.)

    I'll have to stop here as I find myself wanting to say things like 'watch out for-' and 'keep an eye on-' and stuff like that. Suffice to say that I'm already starting to moan that I have another year to go before the next instalment!!! :huh:

  2. Or that sober![

    I have so been sober on many an occasion. But since them occasions have coincided with my being in the custody of the Royal Navy, I can't say I've ever enjoyed them. Dull lot, the Royal Navy. (Except for that Commodore... he livened up something marvellous before he threw me off the ship!)

    I am truly one of the handsomest pirates ever. So I says

    You're truly one of the most delusional ones, at any rate! And you has to say it, 'cos everyone else is laughing too hard!

  3. I came to work (horrible word!) in the same place as Maraudin Sparky and he was online one day. 'Twas love at first sight - er, the website, not Maraudin; I ain't ever been that drunk! :rolleyes: but it took a while for me to get my courage up and join. I've been lurkin' for a while. (Maraudin would probably say that was my natural state. ;) )

    Trouble is, a person can lose herself here for hours at a time!

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