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Posts posted by BuxomAnnieScarlet

  1. I wouldn't be so sure about that, Annie! The two young ladies are very pretty, but Ye looks to be a mighty pretty lass yoursel', says I. Just this humble pirate's opinion... :) :(

    Captain Midnight, ye flatter me! Very kind words indeed, but ye have not seen me below the neck as of yet! B)

  2. Well, my dear shamrock. You best prepare yourself for a fair share of compliments and at least one wedding proposal.

    Agreed! You an' yer friend make quite pretty lasses - you both put me to shame! :)

  3. I really, really, REALLY want the new Pirates of the Caribbean Collectible Card Game. However, I has me a bad habbit o' collectin' things I don't need. So my question is this: does any o' you have it yerselves, and if so, what's yer opinion o' the gameplay? Is it worth the $15 or so my local comic purveyor is askin' fer it?

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