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About BuxomAnnieScarlet

  • Birthday 06/11/1979

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    Anglican/Episcopal Christianity, bull terriers, sighthounds, rodents
  1. I be a Gemini - an' it's all true!
  2. Remember you as well - an' tis good ta be back!
  3. Thank ye - an' I think I do remember ye! :)
  4. It's been soooo long since I last staggered in 'ere. My memory's not what it should be, so if ye know me, please re-introduce yerself to me, won't ye?
  5. Captain Midnight, ye flatter me! Very kind words indeed, but ye have not seen me below the neck as of yet!
  6. Agreed! You an' yer friend make quite pretty lasses - you both put me to shame! :)
  7. ... and I love Errol Flynn!
  8. Just a little heads up for all you classic pirate movie fans - Turner Classic Movies will be playing Captain Blood (starring Errol Flynn) on Monday, July 31st in the evening sometime.
  9. OOOOOOooooh!!! I be needin' that on me phone!
  10. Me mates an' I got together to see it the Monday after openin'. Nothin' big, really - just a small group, smugglin' in our lunches, like true deviants...
  11. I'll be havin' me first outfit in time fer Halloweeney this year - so be on the lookout come October! *YAARR*!
  12. I know... I recently learned I missed a little something at the end, and now I'm really kicking myself... Oh well - guess I'll just have to see it again!
  13. My husband's always complainin' that I aquire card games an' don't play 'em - so I'm hopin' this'll be one I will!
  14. I really, really, REALLY want the new Pirates of the Caribbean Collectible Card Game. However, I has me a bad habbit o' collectin' things I don't need. So my question is this: does any o' you have it yerselves, and if so, what's yer opinion o' the gameplay? Is it worth the $15 or so my local comic purveyor is askin' fer it?
  15. All I can say is that could be very amusing...
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