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About YoungPyrate

  • Birthday 07/20/1989

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    costuming in any renn. period(scottish, pyrate, etc.) im trying to find ways to become a reenactor, so if anyone has a clue, lemme know please. many thanks to ye.
  1. Ayhoy there mates, Thank ye for the kick in the right bearing! Too many a time I've tried looking for knowledge that none care to bestow upon a worthless-out-of-the-loop wretch like me-self. So thank ye sirs one and all for your informative and amazingly helpful responses. With Deepest Regards, Young Pyrate. :
  2. Ahoy there, I'm new to this pub here and I've got questions abound mates. How does one get involved in a reenacting crew? Is it a full time adventure or part time? Professional, hobby? Help this young, curious pyrate slake his thirst for knowledge.
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