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About CapnMatt_Whitebeard_the_Dreaded

  • Birthday 07/12/1986

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    I was going to write this out and make it look good, then I realized Im lazy.<br>Pirates<br>Film [that's making and watching them]<br>Video games [especially those involving pirates, though sadly there aren't nearly enough of them, though I did pick up Sid Meier's Pirates! recently...quite fun]<br>moving on...Writing I've recently found I'm alright at.<br>Fake information books [it sounds odd I know, but I love books that, say, deal with how to survive a Zombie attack, or, if I can find them, fake histories of vampires and/or werewolves, that sort of thing]<br>did I mention Pirates?<br>Im currently in the midst of getting meself some pirate garb for renn fests, international talk like a pirate day, and such...so as soon as I get that all sorted out they'll be some pictures up.....somewhere...
  1. That be one o' me favorites t'play on DDR! thanks for the Video link, Christine!
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