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Captain Jack Daniels

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Everything posted by Captain Jack Daniels

  1. I have been a member here for two years and never posted a pic, so I guess it is time to show a few. The last one was a few years ago with a less than wonderful camera, but it is a good picture.
  2. Ahoy to All!!! Lawton was great, and although it was hot everyone seemed to have a wonderful time. Black Pearl Leather & Finery will definitely be there next year. As Blackbead stated there were wonderful acts, great food and even thought the heat was extreme, tons of people. For all three years that this faire has been running we have always enjoyed ourselves. This is one faire to mark on your calender for next year as it will be bigger and better than the last. Bidding you fair winds and calm seas, Captain Jack
  3. Both I and my better half would by one, and at $10.00 each, I think that would be wonderful. I am a major breast lover and I will do anything to save them and the women they are connected to. Let me know when you are going to sell them, maybe we can also strike a deal and I can sell them in my booth for you at the different faires in Oklahoma and the surrounding area.
  4. Calling all you scurvy dogs!!!!!!! At the Castle in Muskogee,Ok there will be a Pirate Weekend May 19th& 20th 2007. There is a brand new Pirate Museum, they will be raiding and taking the castle, and firing a 6in. cannon as part of the raid. This is sure to be a great weekend. The museum is free as well as the shows, all included in the gate fee. (this is being put on by friends, The Pyrate's Keep and The Buccaneers of The Coast) I would really like to see and meet other pirates from the area, so come out and see me. You can go to www.okcastle.com for more info
  5. Ahoy there mate. I too be a land locked Okie, and a friend of Blackfoot's. There seems to be quite a few of us (okies) here. As I'm seeing it, we may be needin an okie pirate party. Til that happens I will settle for a tankard of grog and wish thee well.
  6. YaY!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Greetings to you sir, while we are making introductions and merry talk , I 'll have a bit o' grog on your tab of course.
  8. As I stated earlier,"You sir[blind Pew] just seem to be trying to stir up trouble in an other wise rather calm place. We ALL come here for the joy of friendship, information, piracy, and we do come with an open mind. Diversity is what makes this a grand place to be. If you are here just to make trouble maybe it is you that needs to leave.....". I still stand by my statement that people who come here just to stir trouble need to leave. Backjohn, I am glad that you have met the author of the afore mentioned "hatred", and I am very glad that in your view he is a likeable chap. I also still stand by not caring for narrow minded people who can't accept that yes there will be hollywood types, more movies and comedys and that not everything about pirates is strictly historical, and 'to the letter'. As with anything and all things, this is just my opinion.
  9. A warm greeting Culliford, and welcome to you. As a brother in more ways than one (USMC '85-'87), Father, and Pirate, I wish you the best here and know that you will be welcome by all. I grew up in one of the best pirate areas, New England (Cape Cod, Mass) to be exact. Though I have no formal education in history, I am full of history from where I grew up. I was also lucky enough to see a very good share of historical areas and re-enactments. I will take yet another tankard of grog (hold the water), and take my leave of the bar rail to my quiet corner. Semper Fi me heartie.....
  10. A hearty welcome to you matey, since your buying, I'll have me grog and a finely roasted turkey leg.
  11. "Pirates- Gods I hate the pirates. Tricornes, long weskits and all the rest of the Johnny Depp wanna-be shit does not belong here. I really wanted to grab the hats and stomp them. And that roving pirate party on Thursday night was ridiculous. On a related note, a certain Baroness of my acquaintance saw me in the market place and commented that my Elizabethan slops and jerkin made me look far more like a pirate than those who were desparately trying to do so." The above statement is very definately from someone who lives in a very narrow way and will not have the company and friendship that others not only have but enjoy. I actually pitty him, for he will lose out in the end by not being of a broader mind. I personally am not thrilled with having "Depp pirate want-to-bes" at every turn, nor am I even slightly happy with the historian types whose breeches are fastened too tightly for them to relax and actually enjoy things and not be so critical of every show, movie, or event that doesn't meet their historical expectations. I am a pirate, I live and dress as the pirate within me would have it. I dress in my pirate garb for Rens, a toned down version for my "real world" job, but have been interested in pirates and piracy since I was small. It was both written word (Robert Louis Stevenson), and silly little movies like Peter Pan that made my interests rise. I can apreciate both the attempts at historical pirate programs, and the movies that make it fun and entertaining. People that make statements like the one above really should keep to themselves, since nothing is going to satisfy them nor make them happy. You sir just seem to be trying to stir up trouble in an other wise rather calm place. We ALL come here for the joy of friendship, information, piracy, and we do come with an open mind. Diversity is what makes this a grand place to be. If you are here just to make trouble maybe it is you that needs to leave.....
  12. A warm pirate greeting to ya, now I'd like me drink. Twas nice the introduct'n and all, so while ya yappin, I'll be drinkin. This isn't your empty purse I hope ......
  13. Arrrrr, me mate has made it here at last.Welcome aboard. I see that you have met a few of me other mates. While your buying, I'll have a tankard full of grog and a shot of me name sake. Sooner or later you will run into others that frequent our happy little Castle in Muskogee,(among other places in oklahoma), til then enjoy your time here, browse around, plenty to read and see, watch yer purse. There may be honor among thieves, but WE are pirates ......
  14. Greetings me heartie, Welcome to the pub. I'd say you'll fit it well as long as ye purse doesn't run out. As fer me, I'll take ye up on the drink, and toast a new friend
  15. While looking at the Yahoo arrrrticle, I found a video clip of Pirate vs. Ninja. it was cute and amusing. I am unable to set up a link to it, but if you go to yahoo I am sure you can find it.
  16. I am seeing a lot of "Flint" names. It seems to be a theme with that site.
  17. WOW! I can't believe me eyes. Cap'n Pete Straw is anal-ising a porno. Sir, do you not understand that this is a PORNO, not a full feature movie for the masses? Yes it is going to be fake, the only thing that is not fake is the sex itself. I am sure that this was not made with keeping to the period and making sure that all the woman had as much body hair as possible. Nor do I really think they were worried about the fake boobs. I am saying this as nicely as possible sir...get real already! Sit down, watch it, take ya' mast in hand and have a good time.
  18. I really don't think that a "dingy" that size could hold up a mast that large given that it really didn't look all that wide.
  19. We have the Batman vs Superman thing going on here in my house, Guess who my fav is..........
  20. Well you know, just as in hollywood, a movie slated to be "the best ever", isn't always, so to base commenting on such a billing rather than the content and it's intent is unfair. I don't know most of the people here, nor do I know any historians or people that did any of the re-enacting, But I did what people from outside our pirate relm did....I watched and listened, and learned some things I didn't know. Maybe instead of tearing apart each and everything in it, as I have read through all 5 pages of this post, we should just watched (like or dislike) and take it for what it was...a low budget, fair attempt to inform and entertain the masses.(as I somewhat stated previously). I honestly have never seen a group of people so brutal and demeaning to an attempt at enlightening the masses. In all honesty, if you really think it was that poorly done, ( that means all the comments about location, actors doing multiple parts, the wrong type of ships, clothing, authenticity, and the like), I would like to see you do better. It is easy to cast stones when sitting at your computer or in your easy chair, but if it were you out there, I think things would be different. I do sincerely hope this is not the way all things are treated here. I am new here still, but from what I have seen thus far it may be a short stay at this port.
  21. Far be it for me to say,(I will anyway) but I do think most of you are being WAY to critical of the showing of True Carribean Pirates.I personally liked it. It was meant as an informational, 2hr, documentory for those that know nothing of/about pirates and their lives. It was just something to set straight some of the myths about the pirate life and to show that it was NOT as happy and gay, as Disney and fiction writers show it to be. I believe it did just that. It was NOT designed to pay homage to all of us(re-enactors, pirate enthusiasts, Ren and pirate fest goers). I have been into pirates since I was a child, I REALLY started getting deep into the true facts about what really happened as I got older, it changed my view some, but it gave me a better idea of what it was really like. Just as this show intended to do for others. Yes it was a television production, yes some things could have been shown better, but the information that was given and conveyed, is what really counts. To all those that didn't know anything at all of it, they will feel and be better informed, and it may even produce some more people like ourselves.... Take it for what it was, don't tear it to shreads because the garb was TOO clean, or the fight scenes weren't up to your expectations. Please do remember, it would takes weeks to properly show everything YOU would like to see about pirates(and that would be just one pirate not all of them) and this wasn't made just for you, it was made for the masses. *stepping down off the rail, lighting me pipe, and watching as the sun sets in the distance*
  22. I saw it Friday nite in a packed theater (if they were showing it in two theaters and both were packed ALL weekend long, something must be right with it). I thought it was spendid, as did my friends and family that went. We can't wait for POTC3, which is begining filming in a few months. Rolling Stone Mag., has a huge section on both Depp and POTC2. I will not only see it again but make sure I am on a reserve list for the DVD.
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