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Cushy Bottoms

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About Cushy Bottoms

  • Birthday 03/29/1973
  1. I think letters are being written about it. http://www.renfestival.com/contact.html That is the page with all the email addresses. I spoke briefly to one of the Corsairs at MD, and he said they're not playing at all this year because of it So I think an impromptu invasion is appropriate, aye?
  2. Hey, i'm in Louisville. Small state. Blast it, i'll MAKE a weekend if they won't give me one. Even if i'm the only one participating.
  3. This year, Ohio Rennaisance has deceded to NOT have a Pirate Weekend. I protest, and say that we should invade anyway on closing weekend. Anyone? Bueller? (Not that I expect anyone to be anywhere NEAR Ohio, but it's worth a go, eh?)
  4. Oooh yes! There's a theme there, somewhere.
  5. Everyone looked familiar :) Therein lies the problem Maybe next year i'll wear paisley. That'll be easy to spot
  6. And it probably didn't help that I didn't wear my glasses all weekend.
  7. I was so fried from the drive, the hurricane, and being back home that I couldn't think straight. And like someone else said, finding a particular Pyrate there was like trying to spot the black Harley at bike week :) Once or twice I saw a likely looking group, but chickened out before saying anything. I was having a bad time with inconsiderate a-holes anyway and didn't chance it. At any rate, here's what I was wearing, day one. Day two was the same, sans chemise :) Saturday
  8. I couldn't remember where everyone was meeting :) I was there, and had a great time. There were a few odd encounters, and a few rude people, but overall it was a good weekend :)
  9. Hotel booked, car reserved. Yes. Still have bloomers to make. I can't wait to get home. Something about being landlocked does not sit well with me. Gimme coastline! Seagull poop! Tourists! No, wait, no tourists. We'll be there either before gate or soon after. We're driving up from a stoppver in Richmond, and i'm notoriously bad at getting up in the morning. :angry:
  10. Not till it's done :) It's actually not that big- a 1/4 sleeve, but it's Where The Wild Things Are, and we're doing each tiny line individually. Tedious. Very tedious.
  11. I have.. um.. lots. Maybe i'm the oddball, but they didn't hurt a bit. The one that i'm 27 hours into gets a bit irritating towards the end o a sit, but not painful. But, i've pushed out two babies, one of em a homebirth. So my sense of pain is a bit skewed. None are nautical, they're all modern, but in the near future is a basic skull and cutlass design that i'm altering a bit.
  12. Would lurkers be welcome, then? We'll be driving in just for the weekend, and will have camera in hand.
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