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About Damsel

  • Birthday 02/08/1968

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  1. The beta is closed?! I just applied.
  2. In my past life as a klingon (LOL) I met my husband, he was the Chancellor of a Klingon gaming group where we played a game called Starfleet Academy. We were friends for a few years and then realized that we had finally found the other half of ourselves :) We started a long distance relationship and then after a year of heartbreaking visits and goodbyes...I moved out here to Florida to be with him. That was six years ago and we've been married for two years now. We indulge each other's weirdness and don't drive each other too crazy. I don't think you can get any better than that :) It's possible to find love anywhere, but usually when you're not looking and usually in the most unexpected places.....just have fun doing what you love and the odds are you'll one day meet up with someone who shares the same loves you do. Yes I do speak Klingon (well not as good as I used to). I need a tape so I can learn Piratese!
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