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Everything posted by Ubsey

  1. Arrr, well. I'm not sure if any of you were planning on going, but it looks like my crew won't be making it. The trasnportation failed and now we'll just have to wait. Sorry to anyone who wanted to go!
  2. My mates (6+) and I are going to be seeing Pirates of the Caribbean 2 on July 7th at 3:50pm! We'll be dressing up to show our love for these movies, I'm hoping some fellow pirates will do the same. We weren't asked to be there or dress up, so if you want to come, dress at your own risk! Of course, don't being any firearms, or weapons. We don't want to get thrown out! WHERE: Century 22 3162 Olin Avenue, San Jose, CA 95117 Check fandango or other sites for any more info. If things change with my crew, I'll post to let yah' know. Hope to see yah' there!
  3. These are all very great ideas, I'll post pictures once I take care of this project. Happy fourth to all yah' mates!
  4. I've tried, but didn't have much luck. I'll try again though.
  5. I have a nice pirate shirt, but it looks too clean. I'd like it to have a brown/tan color to it.. Without having to kick it around in the dirt. I've heard that soaking it in some water with tea bags could give it a nice tint. Any thoughts? Thanks mates.
  6. Thank you very much.
  7. Did they come with the orange tip/cap on the end? If so, are they removable at all?
  8. Ahh, okay. I'm just going to be using it for a costume -- but I would like to be able to pull the trigger without it actually firing, but instead just hearing a click, (That's what I ment by dry-fire.) - I'm not planning on loading anything into it, it'd just be for show. I'm afraid that it'll be all cast into a single piece, and I'd rather have something that I can play around with slightly, firing ruled out of course.
  9. I've been looking for the past few months online for a non firing flintlock pistol, it'll be my first. I finally found and fell in love with one, however; have yet to buy it. While looking around for better prices, I recently saw a picture of this one with an orange tip. I'm aware that by law most pistols require to have this, but I was wondering if it's just a cap, maybe it's painted on, or what? Though it's not a great idea, would it be able to dry fire? How much does it look like compaired to the picture? (I've noticed in some pictures the wood is rather bright, I like it dark) And does anyone know of a place that sells it under $44? If anyone has a review on this gun, the good and bad, It'd be a big help! Thank you very much.
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