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About Winston

  • Birthday 03/05/1982

Profile Information

  • Location
    Ohio (Satan's Armpit)
  • Interests
    Swords.<br>Pirates.<br>Alaskin Huskies.<br>Web Develpoment.<br>Las Vegas.<br>Coffee.
  1. thats why I can't be a Hypnotist Because I would be in jail
  2. Podcast for the TV show LOST
  3. Hypnotist huh... Guess the boss doesn't have a hard time talking people into staying late.
  4. Still the best game of all times...
  5. This is the best game of all times! Pirates!
  6. "Your my boy Blue!!"
  7. aye.....but if I DO kill them.....I don't have to take the time to teach them and I can go take their ship
  8. Goes and hides phil's goat Looks around "What?"
  9. aye....very religious. Old Winston wouldn't do anythin that goes agains the book ever
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