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Daft Sally

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About Daft Sally

  • Birthday 03/09/1972

Profile Information

  • Location
    Pacific Ocean
  • Interests
    Cookin', sailin' tall ships, Puzzle Pirates.
  1. I'll tell ye... When ye got arthritis, an' a choice 'tween... ...muscle relaxers that make ye drool an' stagger, an' kill yer liver quicker then rum... ...an' a plant that ain't never done no harm te nobody save make 'em eat too much junk food... ...I'll take me herb. Thanks.
  2. In Puzzle Pirates I be a tad less daft than in real life. I play on Cobalt, 'cause it be smaller an' easier te get control over things. I own a tailory, a weavery, an' manage me husband's apothecary. We got a great flag, but our crew be a bit... well... ye'll have te look us up te see. We be doin' somethin' a bit unusual. We be Sallysally and Odinabbott. As fer Nav, Odin's got it down. I can't figur' it out meself, but then I distill like mad, and he'd blow up the still if he could!
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