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  1. Thanks for the advice Gregg , i ll keep that in mind if i ever go into buisness selling tee's. sb
  2. Thanks for the props :] i have 4 more prints of pyrates i want to get done personally so yes i ll be doing some more in the coming weeks. two of the kahki one are women's 2X.
  3. Does anyone know where i could get an emulator of the old Pirates! gane?
  4. Hi I m auctioning off a small run of custom pyrates themed tees that i silkscreened last week. Some very nice silkscreened engravings of famous pyrates as well as a "3 skulls" stripe design. The idea was to make so original shirts for my self and i ran a few extras to try and recoup the cost of materials. Here s the listing i hope you like the shirts My custom pyrate shirts
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