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Everything posted by Boo

  1. Greetin's to all ye. Ye all may know me, or ye may not. I've been wonderin around these parts for a few weeks now, getting me bearings. I be the cap'n aboard The Nightmare. I recently lost a large number of me crew in a horrible storm on my way into the docks. Among them, my first mate and my darling little sister. As a young lass, I sailed under the command of Davy Jones aboard the Flying Dutchman. I've also been in ranks with Cap'n Jack Sparrow, as well as Cap'n Barbossa aboard The Black Pearl. Though while serving under Cap'n Barbossa, I was left on an island with the one and only Cap'n Sparrow. While on the island I learned a lot from the man, as well as about him. Once we escaped the island, we parted ways and I found my way to the Nightmare I gathered a crew, set sail, and here I am. It's not what I planned, but I go where the sea takes me. My dear Patrick Hand, I be inquiring on your fine brass mounted gun with French lock. Flask, Pouch and tools; 1 pr. Breeches; and 1 one of yer linen shirts. Boo
  2. Ye might want to refrain from fallin' off de boat there mate!!! Boo
  3. I don't think anything can beat that! Boo
  4. Combo's and a bit o' coke! Boo
  5. I too believe our paths once crossed. Be me makin' up things? Boo
  6. I thought of that one too, but then I remembered the scene in Fight Club. Boo
  7. Fight Club ***************** Character 1) F*** YOU! Character 2) I thought I already did that? Boo
  8. I'm with Charity on this one. Over at a JohnnyDepp board, we discussed these pics when they first came about and I'm pretty convinced that they're genuine. They may be costume test shots for POTC3, and they're definetly Johnny in costume. That's just my opinion though, I too am not accusing anyone else on their thoughts of the pics. Boo
  9. Got me de same problem as you!! Got mine from Captain Jack Sparrow when I was youngling. It doesn't do much of anything now that I think of it though! I was also searching for an author. The link I followed led me to a post and I was instantly interested in de pub! Boo
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