To all of you, Dearest William, Lovely Red Cat Jenny, and BriarRose, to sweet Black Syran and lastly Pirate Petee...showing your concerns and sending your heart felt replies to our dearest friend, Captain Sterling when he needed it the most. Thank you and God, Bless you ALL!!!!
And dear sweet Captain Sterling. I've known thee almost these seven years - do you not think I would help you through your moment(s) of need? A friend listens, a friend supports, a friend is a sounding board, and a friend shows that they care.
So here is to they grow like a great red oak. May the roots of the friendship bury deep so when there are doughts of happiness and the coldest of emotions hit, you are protected and supported during the rough times and you grow ever so stronger knowing that you are loved!
(oh, and Captain I shall remember to be a bit more gentle in the future...if there be a need!)