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Scuttle Sally

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Everything posted by Scuttle Sally

  1. Oh, too bad. I knew there was a reason that date was ringing a bell for me. doh. We did so many parades this winter we ran out of lit, but it's been reordered and should be in soon. I'll make sure you get some as soon as it's in, and thanks so much for passing it out. It is very appreciated.
  2. This year's Cedarburg Winter Festival will be a pirate themed event. They have contacted us here at the Port Washington Pirate Festival and asked for help in securing some pirates for the weekend. While we have enough volunteers at this point, this is an invitation for those of you interested to come in your garb and see some old friends. The festival is free to enter. The event takes place February 9-10 in Cedarburg, Wisconsin. It is about 12 miles north of Milwaukee, and just south of Port Washington for those of you who have been to our event. We're not running the event in any form, just working with them as it helps to promote our event in June. I thought I would let you all know it was going on and that there will be a lot of the Port crew there. Come cheer us on in the bed races as we attempt to push a bed on skids down the frozen Milwaukee river in full pirate garb. Come to the Casino Night/Beer Tasting and party with us! Join us in the parade (but you have to let me know in advance on that one)! What the heck else do you have to do in February? This is our first year helping them, so I don't know too much about the event. I'd be happy to try and answer any questions, though. Here's their website. Cedarburg Winter Festival
  3. Yes, and I'd actually like to see one in the town as well...not just on the festival grounds. Will send your idea to our Physical Plan/Props Captain. THANKS, you're awesome!
  4. And we thank ye very kindly! I don't groan about Jack Sparrow impersonators so much, I love anyone who participates...and he if looks like Johnny Depp, well so much the better for me, says I. Now a really good Davey Jones, that would be cool to see. I will make sure our new entertainment coordinator knows how much you want to be involved. I'm sure you will be hearing from either him or myself soon.
  5. Oh, please...share with the group! Greetings friends! Pirate fest planning is already well under way. I've very excited as things are coming together a lot easier than in the past... Yes, we're only four years old and still have some growing pains but we've also added some great new people to the board. Unfortunately we've lost Dean, although his reason was valid his prescence is definitely missed. As Dean mentioned, the deadline for paid perfomers' applications is tomorrow November 1st. However , if those of you who are coming as part of a crew (non-paid) could send us in just a basic application with who you are and how many are coming then when we start working on street theater we have an idea of who will be there. Oh, one more thing. If any of you out there are interested in being a vendor at the event (food or goods) those applications are also available on the website. And as always, please feel free to either pm or email me with any questions. Fair winds and Following seas... Scuttle Sally
  6. ...sigh. I blinked and it was over. dreaming of a Pirate Festival WEEK, instead of a weekend.
  7. It's actually a weekly paper that comes out every Thurs. Here is a link to where they are sold in the county. Newstands
  8. ATTENTION MADDOGGE, MERRY DIAMOND, AND RATS!!! The three of you made the cover of our local paper, and it's a GREAT shot. See it here. Ozaukee Press I'd be happy to send you all a copy, pm me with your mailing addresses. SUPERMODEL PIRATES!!!
  9. c'est la vie sharks have to eat too, I guess. I'm sorry I don't have any pictures, AT ALL. It's one of the things I never have time to do. I also didn't get a chance to do any shopping! I know the website solicits photos from patrons, so if any come up I'll post them. OH, and if anyone left a pack of playing cards in the green room and can identify them I would be happy to send them back to you.
  10. she's gone with the tide, mate. Of course, I'll be around. I need my pirate fix 365 a year. To everyone that came to this event...I can't express how grateful I am. Somehow, even with the awful weather and the TORNADO this year was better than last. You all are amazing, and getting a chance to spend one quick weekend a year with folks as grand as yerselfs....well, that's reason enough for me to continue to do it. Thanks for coming, thanks for dealing with our growing pains, thanks for the memories, I adore you all. Oh, and Rats...thanks for being such a good sport! One last thing, Pete...if that damn shark happens to find itself attached to my ass again...well, let's just say I enjoy sushi. A lot. So sad it's over, but it really did go quickly...and we already have an AMAZING idea in the works for next year's show.
  11. when it comes to drinking...I always mean it.
  12. More Festival Press Ok, so some of the things I said were taken a bit out of context or edited...Ce'est la vie. I did this interview as I was climbing out of the boats at the POTC ride at Disney World. No, that was not planned. But the festival is coming together...tents are up and sets are being erected. I CAN't WAIT to see the pirate encampment, the plans look very cool. I just want to take a moment (while I have one) to tell everyone here how much I appreciate you all coming and your patience with a new event that has had its share of growing pains. I look forward to splicing the main brace with each and every one of you salty dogs. Now, I finally get to say... SEE YOU ALL TOMORROW!!!
  13. my work here is done!
  14. ah hem. Pirates demand proof.
  15. Oh dear God what have I done... Of course it's rain or shine...us pirates don't much care about getting wet, now do we? I just would love to get another fabulous tan like I did last year.
  16. I am so excited, I'm already having a hard time sleeping! Of course, it's not like I have the time to sleep anyways. Everyone start praying the weather gods will smile on us like they did last year... NOW! 3 DAYS AND COUNTING!!!
  18. Just don't stop drinking...
  19. Hotels in the area are VERY close to sold out for that weekend. Don't delay if you need a room. If they become sold out and you need next closest hotel reccomendations, feel free to contact me. Remember, all three hotels in the area sold out last year. 3 weeks and 3 days to go!!!
  20. Just a small teaser to be whetting yer appetites... The Buccaneer Bash (which will be both Fri and Sat night 6-11pm) will not only have a fantastic live band (the Irish rock band Reilly)...but our own Bilgemunky will be MC'ing a new trivia game titled "Who Wants to be a Bullionaire?" I not revealing the details, but it should be hilarious. To listen to Reilly, visit their website... ReillyRocks
  21. HAHAHA I'd be able to find you easy...that's for sure! Well, let's keep in touch. As soon as my plans are firm I'll send you a PM. fingers and hooks crossed.
  22. yup...our wonderful director Capt. Jake has taken care of it. The script for the brand new Sunday show is also out. It's going to be amazing, I can't wait! CAN't WAIT!!!! Of course, there's no way I'm going to spoil the suprise...
  23. OMG, Lady B...you'll be there! Ohhhh hooray! Oh, happy day! I'll definetly keep in touch. I should hear back regarding the IBM conference any day now. Will you be staying at the Contemporary?
  24. Anyone going to this? Due to another conference (IBM) I may end up being at WDW at this time...would be fun to meet up with some pirates to enjoy my favorite ride with. So wish I could get in to the breakfast in the POTC ride, that would be a dream come true for this pirate.
  25. One last word on the subject, the frustrations that many of you are expressing (especially regarding the city) are shared by the board. However, we're in the uncomfortable place between the proverbial rock and hard place. And as far as sponsors to cover the cost...well, we're not quite there yet either. Again, things are what they are and we can choose to deal with the issues and except the restraints or end the festival. We chose the merryment and mayhem. Thanks for taking the ride with us, we appreciate your understanding and can't wait to see you all soon.
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