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Everything posted by seagjoe

  1. Ha Phil, the Sox won it 9-3. O, and the Pirates lost, 4-5.
  2. Eating popcorn, listening to my Red Sox get spanked by the Yankees, writing a paper for school, and looking for a job.
  3. I did a web search for pirate forums. And now here I am.
  4. Weekends, June 3-25, 19th Annual Pirate Festival and Kingdom. Tulip Springs area of South Mountain Reservation, South Orange. :) http://www.njkingdom.com/pirates/index.html
  5. A Pirate Looks at Forty -Because it'sme, I'm 40, in the middle of a major career change, and want to go back to sea. Son of a Son of A Sailor -Great to get in the sailing mood. Riders on the Storm -Try playing it while slugging your way through 30 footers in the gray North Atlantic...perfect. Pirates Who Don't Do Anything -I dare you not to laugh.
  6. Met the girl of my dreams through a mutual friend. She's stuck by me for 20 years, that has included 10 years of sea duty. I love that woman to death.
  7. Not GAoP certainly, but cats as mascots on some CG cutters (scroll down a little). http://www.uscg.mil/hq/g-cp/comrel/factfile/index.htm
  8. I play guitar. More correctly, I fumble with the guitar. I'm waiting to someday cross the line from fumbling to playing. Joe
  9. Spent waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time in Irish Kevins.
  10. Drinkin a beer right this second.
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